FaceStream v.5.0.7#
SDK was updated to version 5.5.0.
The ability to get the current version of FaceStream using the GET "/version" request was added (see the detailed information in the "FaceStreamApi.html" document).
Fixed an error where when running FS in server mode with Configurator, the "save-debug-info" parameter from the trackengine configuration was not used.
Fixed an error where the source frame without detections with human body coordinates (detection_path) was not sent with the "send_source_frame" parameter set.
Fixed an error where sending "track_id" to faces did not work, which is why the value of "track_id" was not recorded in the LUNA PLATFORM event.
Fixed an error when using the mouth estimator. The error could occur when using two streams, when the first one used this estimator, and the second one did not.