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FaceStream v.5.1.13#


  • A mechanism for migrating LUNA Streams settings set in the LUNA Configurator service has been added.

    LUNA Streams update

    Previously, LUNA Streams settings were automatically migrated when migrating the LUNA Configurator service. Now LUNA Streams settings are migrated using a separate migration mechanism. See the upgrade manual for more details.

    Launch LUNA Streams from scratch

    Now the LUNA Streams settings are loaded into the Configurator service using the migrations mechanism. The FaceStream settings are still loaded into the LUNA Configurator using the "" script. See installation manual for more details.

Fixed errors

  • FaceStream crash has been fixed that occurred when an incorrect address was specified in the "lunastreams" > "origin" parameter of the FaceStream settings.

    Now the FaceStream operation is finished correctly, and the corresponding error is written to the logs.

  • The error has been fixed where the valid range (from 0 to 1024 pixels) was not checked for the "size_source_frame" parameter of the FaceStream settings, resulting in the possibility of setting any values ​​for this parameter.

  • The error has been fixed where FaceStream would output a stack trace instead of an error if the port it was running on was busy.

    Now the error Error occurred on initializing application. Description: bind: Address already in use is displayed in the FaceStream logs.

  • The error has been fixed where changing the "enable_gpu_processing" setting of the FaceStream settings was not applied properly and caused a crash when the configuration was reloaded.

FaceStream (v.5.1.13)#

Fixed bugs#

  • Fixed HTTP server crash on used port.

  • Fixed a bug where changing the 'enable_gpu_processing' option did not applied properly and lead to crush on config reloading.

  • Fixed a bug where invalid LunaStreams URL in lunastreams/origin lead to crash.

  • Fixed a bug on checking the resize source frame parameter in config. Add the checking of allowed range of parameter.

LUNA Streams (v.0.5.4 - v.0.5.5)#


  • The settings migration mechanism was updated.

  • Service dependencies were updated.