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FaceStream v.5.1.4#


  • Two new launching keys for FaceStream were added - "CONFIG_RELOAD" and "PULLING_TIME".

    The "CONFIG_RELOAD" launching key enables checking for changes in the "FACE_STREAM_CONFIG" section of the LUNA Configurator service and takes the following values:

    • "1" - change tracking is enabled, if there are changes in the configuration, all FaceStream containers will be automatically restarted;
    • "0" - change tracking is disabled (default value).

    The "PULLING_TIME" launching key sets the period for receiving new parameters from the "FACE_STREAM_CONFIG" section of the LUNA Configurator service in the range [1...3600] sec. Used in conjunction with the "CONFIG-RELOAD" tag. The default value is "10".

    Launching keys are also available in FaceSteam mode with configuration files.

  • New parameter "min_body_size_threshold" was added to the "filtering" section in the streams management settings.

    The parameter sets the body detection size, less than which it will not be sent for processing. It is calculated as the square root of the product of the body detection height (in pixels) by its width (in pixels).

    Example: min_body_size_threshold = sqrt (64*128) = 90.5

    If the value is "0", then filtering of body detection by size will not be performed.

Fixed errors

  • The address of the source image is now recorded in the "detections" > "image_origin" field of the LUNA PLATFORM event. Previously, this address was recorded in the "face" > "user_data" field.

  • The error was fixed, in which the "limit" parameter (maximum number of the streams to return) was not processed in the request to get streams from the queue ("/1/streams/processing/queue" resource) when filtering by group.