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LUNA Streams user interface#

A user interface is available for the LUNA Streams service.

The interface can be opened in the browser by specifying the address and port of the LUNA Streams service:


The default port of the LUNA Streams service is 5160.

It is recommended to read the section "Interaction of FaceStream with LUNA Streams" before introducing this section.

The user interface of the service contains three tabs - "Streams", "Groups" and "Queue".

  • "Streams" is a tab where streams statuses and their preview are displayed, it is possible to configure video stream parameters for each of the sources.
  • "Groups" is a tab where streams groups are displayed.
  • "Queue" is a tab where the streams that are in the processing queue are displayed.

The general view of the available tabs is shown in the figure below:

Available tabs
Available tabs

Streams tab#

The "Streams" tab is designed to display all streams, their preview, ID, name, status, description, group and settings of video stream parameters for each source.

The general view of the "Streams" tab is shown in the figure below:

General view of the
General view of the "Streams" tab

The "Streams" tab contains the following elements:

  • "Add" — button to add a stream (1);
  • list of streams:
    • "Last frame" — last frame of the video stream (preview);
    • "Stream ID" — ID of the video stream;
    • "Name" — name of the video stream;
    • "Status" — current status of the video stream;
    • "Description" — additional information about the video stream;
    • "Group" — name of the group to which the video stream is linked. You can link a video stream to a group or untie it from it in the "Groups" section;
    • button for viewing the video stream (2);
    • button for editing the video stream parameters (3);
    • button for deleting the video stream (4);
    • number of streams displayed on the page is set by a switch in the lower right corner of the page. In total there can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 video streams on one page (5);
    • buttons to control the processing of the stream:
      • "Play" button to start processing the stream (6) (sends the request for processing the stream, the stream is distributed to a certain FaceStream instance and that starts processing it);
      • "Pause" button to pause the processing of the stream, for example, to save resources (7) (suspends the processing of the stream, but the stream remains assigned to the same FaceStream instance);
      • "Stop" button to stop processing the stream (8) (stops the process of processing the stream, the stream is no longer assigned to the same FaceStream instance).

Stream creating#

To create a stream, click on the "Add" button, after which the "Create stream" form opens to specify parameters.

Stream creating
Stream creating

You need to specify the values of the stream parameters and click the "Create" button in the upper right corner of the screen.

The tables below show the correspondence between the description in the user interface and the name of the corresponding parameters.

General stream parameters group#

This group reflects the general parameters for creating a stream.

"General stream parameters" group

Parameter description Name in settings
Account ID Parameter "account_id"
Stream name Parameter "name"
Description Parameter "description"
Group Parameter "group"
Status Stream status

Stream data group#

This group reflects the main parameters for working with a video stream/video file/images.

"Stream data" group

Parameter description Name in settings
Type Parameter "type"
Full path to the source Parameter "reference"
ROI coordinates Parameter "roi"
DROI coordinates Parameter "droi"
Rotation angle of the image from the source Parameter "rotation"
Frame width Parameter "preferred_program_stream_frame_width"
Endless Parameter "endless"
Mask Parameter "mask"

Stream handler parameters group#

This group of parameters defines the parameters of the handler created in the LUNA PLATFORM, with which the streams will be processed. Different handlers should be used for the face and body. The handler must be created in LP 5 in advance.

"Stream handler parameters" group

Parameter description Name in settings
Handler URL Parameter "origin"
API version Parameter "api_version"
ID of the handler for the best frames Parameter "handler_id" of the "bestshot_handler" secion
ID of the handler for event detections Parameter "handler_id" of the "detection_handler" section
Authorization (Token) Token from "authorization" section

Geoposition group#

This group of parameters includes information about the location of the video stream source.

Geoposition group

Parameters Name in settings
City, Area, District, Street, House number, Longitude (in degrees), Latitude (in degrees) Section "location"

Autorestart group#

This group of parameters enables you to configure the automatic restart of the stream.

Geoposition group

Parameter description Name in settings
Autorestart Parameter "restart"
Attempt count Parameter "attempt_count"
Autorestart delay (in seconds) Parameter "delay"

Sending parameters group#

In this group of parameters, the period during which the frame analysis will be carried out to select the bestshot is determined, as well as all parameters associated with compiling a collection of the bestshots are determined.

Sending parameters group

Parameter description Name in settings
Frame analysis period after which the best shot will be sent Parameter "time_period_of_searching"
Wait duration between track analysis periods Parameter "silent_period"
Track analysis and waiting period duration measure Parameter "type"
Number of frames that the user sets to receive from the track or certain periods of this track Parameter "number_of_bestshots_to_send"
Send only full set Parameter "send_only_full_set"
Delete bestshot and detection data Parameter "delete_track_after_sending"

Use Primary Track group#

This group of parameters is designed to work with access control systems (ACS, turnstiles at the entrances) to simplify the control and implementation of facial recognition technology at the entrance to the protected area. This group of parameters is used only for working with faces.

Use Primary Track group

Parameter description Name in settings
Use Primary Track Parameter "use_primary_track_policy"
Minimum detection size for Primary Track mode Parameter "best_shot_min_size"
Size of detection for the main track Parameter "best_shot_proper_size"

Healthcheck parameters group#

In this group, you can set parameters for reconnecting to the stream if there are errors in playing the stream.

Healthcheck parameters group

Parameter description Name in settings
Maximum number of stream errors to reconnect to the stream Parameter "max_error_count"
Error count period duration (in seconds) Parameter "period"
Time between reconnection attempts (in seconds) Parameter "retry_delay"

Liveness parameters group#

This group of parameters is used to check for Liveness, i.e. to check whether a person in the frame is real and prevents fraud when printed photos or images on the phone are used to pass the Liveness check.

Liveness parameters group

Parameter description Name in settings
Check RGB ACS Liveness Parameter "use_mask_liveness_filtration"
Check FlyingFaces Liveness Parameter "use_flying_faces_liveness_filtration"
Which track frames will be checked for Liveness Parameter "liveness_mode"
Number of frames in the track for Liveness check when liveness-mode is enabled Parameter "number_of_liveness_checks"
Threshold value at which the system will consider that there is a real person in the frame Parameter "liveness_threshold"
Livenesses weights (RGB ACS, FlyingFaces) Parameter "livenesses_weights"
Number of background frames that are used for the corresponding checks Parameter "mask_backgrounds_count"

Filtering parameters group#

This group of parameters describes the objects of image filtering and sending the resulting bestshots.

Liveness parameters group

Parameter description Name in settings
Threshold value to filter detections Parameter "min_score"
Head rotation angle threshold (to the left or right, yaw) Parameter "detection_yaw_threshold"
Head tilt angle threshold (up or down, pitch) Parameter "detection_pitch_threshold"
Head tilt angle threshold (to the left or right, roll) Parameter "detection_roll_threshold"
Number of frames used to filter photo images by the angle of tilt of the head Parameter "yaw_number"
Number of frames the system must collect to analyze head yaw angle Parameter "yaw_collection_mode"
Mouth overlap threshold (minimum mouth visibility) Parameter "mouth_occlusion_threshold"
Minimum body detection size Parameter "min_body_size_threshold"

Additional parameters group#

This group of parameters is intended for detailed configuration of video stream processing.

Liveness parameters group

Parameter description Name in settings
Frame processing Parameter "frame_processing_mode"
Number of threads for video decoding Parameter "ffmpeg_threads_number"
Maximum FPS for video processing Parameter "real_time_mode_fps"

After saving the settings for the newly created stream, the message Source <stream_id> was successfully created will appear.

Stream editing#

To edit the stream parameters, click the "Edit" button.

The form of editing the stream is similar to the form of creating the stream.

Change the necessary parameters and click the "Save" button in the upper right corner of the form.

After saving the settings of the stream parameters, the message Source <stream_id> was successfully updated will appear.

Stream deleting#

To delete the stream, click the "Delete" button or in the form of editing the stream, click the "Delete" button in the "Streams" tab.

In the pop—up window, you need to confirm the action - click the "Delete" button or cancel the action via the "Cancel" button.

After clicking the "Delete" button, a message about deleting the stream will appear.

Groups tab#

Streams can be grouped. Grouping is designed to combine streams with multiple cameras into logical groups (for example, by territorial feature).

For more information, see "Streams grouping".

When creating a stream, it can only be added to one group.

The "Groups" tab contains a table that displays the name of groups, group IDs, descriptions, creation dates, account ID in LUNA PLATFORM and group settings.

The "Groups" tab is shown in the figure below:

"Groups" tab

The "Groups" tab contains the following elements and group parameters:

  • "Add" — the button to create a group (1);
  • list of groups and their parameters:
    • "Name" — the name of the group;
    • "Group ID" — group ID assigned by LUNA Streams;
    • "Description" — additional user information about the group;
    • "Date created" — date and time of the group creation;
    • "Account ID" — account ID in LUNA PLATFORM 5;
  • group edit button (2);
  • group delete button (3);
  • number of groups displayed on the page is set by the radio button in the lower right corner of the page. There can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 groups on one page (4).

The process of creating, editing, and deleting a group is similar to the processes described above for a stream.

Linking stream to group#

To link a stream to a group, in the "Streams" section in the stream line, click the button to edit the parameters. In the edit form, in the main stream parameters, specify a value for the "Group" parameter from the available drop-down list. The stream will be linked to the selected group. Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner of the form.

Queue tab#

By default, a new stream is created with the status "pending" and immediately enters the processing queue. Processing of the stream can be postponed by specifying the status "pause" when creating. As soon as a free FaceStream worker of a stream with a pool request from the queue appears, the stream is accepted for processing and the status "in_progress" is assigned to it.

For more information, see "Stream processing queue" section.

The "Queue" tab is informational and is designed to display all the streams in the queue for processing, their IDs and statuses.

Queue tab
Queue tab

The "Queue" section contains the following elements and stream parameters:

  • list of streams:
    • "Stream ID" — ID of the video stream in LUNA Streams, generated when creating the stream;
    • "Stream name" — the name of the video stream;
    • "Status" — the current status of the video stream;
  • number of streams displayed on the page is set by a switch in the lower right corner of the page. There can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 threads on a single page.