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FaceStream v.5.1.23#


  • Updated FSDK to version 5.13.0.

    In this version of FSDK, the body detector has been updated to version 5.

    Note that when updating the FSDK version, you need to pay attention to changes in the "TRACK_ENGINE_CONFIG" settings in the Configurator service. In this release, the "TRACK_ENGINE_CONFIG" settings have not changed.

  • Now, when changing the frame resolution during stream processing, processing will be completed with the error frame size is changed from <value> to <value>.

    If an automatic restart is set for stream (see the autorestart section of the "create stream" query), it will be restarted. In this case, FaceStream will again accept the stream for processing with a new frame resolution.

    If the user is viewing the preview, user needs to refresh the preview window.

  • Changed the order of applying estimators. Now the AGS estimator is applied first and then the HeadPose.

  • Removed filtering by Liveness Head&Shoulders.

    In the LUNA Streams OpenAPI specification, the use_shoulders_liveness_filter parameter is declared as Deprecated and will be ignored when trying to create a new stream.

    The first value in the livenesses_weights parameter, which is responsible for filtering by Liveness Head&Shoulders, will also be ignored. For example, if you set the value livenesses_weights = [0.1, 0.25, 0.75], the value 0.1 will be considered as 0.0.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed an error that could cause FaceStream to crash when closing the application.