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FaceStream v.5.1.41#

  • Starting from the current version of FaceStream, it is necessary to use LUNA PLATFORM v.5.53.0 and higher. Older versions of LUNA PLATFORM are not supported by the current version of FaceStream.

FaceStream changes

  • Processing of streams accessible via HTTPS protocol has been supported.

  • The stability of work with RTSP cameras has been improved by upgrading to a new version of FFMpeg.

  • Now the "stream_id" parameter containing the stream ID is sent to the LUNA PLATFORM event.

  • A new parameter "request_timeout_ms" has been added to the FaceStream settings, in which you can configure the timeout for sending and receiving events from/to the LUNA PLATFORM in milliseconds.

    Default value - 30 seconds (30,000 milliseconds).

LUNA Streams changes

  • A new parameter "timeout" has been added to the "healthcheck" section of stream management settings, which enables you to set the timeout in milliseconds for reading the encoded packet.

  • The <service_name>_DB parameter section of the LUNA Streams database has been extended with a new optional parameter "dsn", which specifies a DSN string that can contain various settings to control the connection to the database, such as multiple hosts, authentication data, port and others ( settings depend on the database type).

    Due to the implementation of a new setting, the classic settings for connecting to the database ("db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password") in all settings of all services have become optional.

    If necessary, you can combine the DSN string and the classic settings, but the DSN string is a higher priority. You can partially fill in the DSN string (for example, "postgres01,postgres02/luna_handlers"), and then the missing parameters will be filled in from the values of the parameters "db_host", "db_port", "db_name", "db_user" and "db_password".

    After updating to the new version of LUNA PLATFORM, the "dsn" parameter will not appear in the "Settings" tab in the Configurator. To use DSN, you must manually specify the appropriate parameter. Below is an example of specifying the "dsn" parameter:

    { "dsn": "luna:luna@postgres01:5432,postgres02:5432/luna_streams?some_option=some_value" "db_settings": { "connection_pool_size": 5 } }

  • The size of the "streams-configs" image has been reduced.

  • The description of the automatic stream restart ("autorestart" section) has been expanded in the stream management settings.

    See the section "Streams automatic restart" in the administrator manual.

  • The "LUNA_STREAMS_LOGS_CLEAR_INTERVAL" section has been added to the LUNA Streams settings in the Configurator, which enables you to control the logic of automatically deleting stream logs from the "log" table of the LUNA Streams database.

    Automatic deletion of logs helps to clear the database of a large number of unnecessary logs. The most recent entry for each stream is not deleted.

    The following parameters are available:

    • "interval" - Sets the interval for deleting logs.
    • "interval_type" - Sets the interval type (weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds).
    • "check_interval" - Sets the frequency of checking logs for deletion (seconds).
    • "active" - Enables/disables automatic deletion of thread logs.

    Automatic log deletion is disabled by default.

    The default settings include automatic deletion of logs ("active" = true) with checking of log streams in the database every 180 seconds ("check_interval" = 180) and delete logs older than 7 days ("interval" = 7 and "interval_type" = days).

    Example of checking logs for deletion every 5 minutes and deleting logs older than 4 weeks:

    { "interval": 4, "interval_type": "weeks", "check_interval": 300, "active": true }

  • Support for ECS logging format has been added.

    To use the new format, you need to set the value "ecs" in the "format" setting of the "LUNA_STREAMS_LOGGER" section.

    When using the "ecs" value, the following fields will be used:

    • "http.response.status_code" - Contains the HTTP response status code (e.g., 200, 404, 500, etc.).
    • "http.response.execution_time" - Contains information about the time taken to execute the request and receive the response.
    • "http.request.method" - Contains the HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.).
    • "url.path" - Contains the path in the request's URL.
    • "error.code" - Contains the error code if the request results in an error.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed the error of generating an invalid json file with debugging results (enabled using the "save_debug_info" parameter).

  • Fixed leaks and reduced FaceStream memory consumption.