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FaceStream v.5.1.43#


  • Now all human body data, including body samples, is sent to the LUNA PLATFORM in one request to the "/6/handlers/{handler_id}/stream_events" resource.

    Previously, human body data was sent in two requests, which generated two events:

    • General event generated by the static handler, containing all the basic data about the human bodies, including the address of the stored body sample.
    • Auxiliary event generated by the dynamic handler, containing only the coordinates of the human body, basic information about the auxiliary event (detection time, event creation time, account ID, etc.) and a "track_id" for connection with the general event.

    Now that everything is sent to a single resource, you no longer need to create a dynamic handler and specify it in the "detection_handler" > "handler_id" parameter. Specifying such a handler will be ignored. In the LUNA Streams OpenAPI specification, the "detection_handler" field is marked as Deprecated.

    If the "frame_store" parameter of the stream management settings specifies the address to the "/images" resource and the "send_source_frame" parameter is enabled in the FaceStream settings, then the source images will also be attached to the request.

    The structure of the returned event remains the same.

    Important: Starting from the current version of FaceStream, it is necessary to use LUNA PLATFORM v.5.56.0 and higher. Older versions of LUNA PLATFORM are not supported by the current version of FaceStream.

  • A built-in plugin has been added to the LUNA API v.6.22.0 service (LUNA PLATFORM v.5.56.0 version), which enables you to perform some requests to the LUNA Streams service through the API service.

    See release notes for LUNA PLATFORM v.5.56.0 and the "Proxying requests to LUNA Streams using LUNA API" section in the FaceStream administrator manual for more details.

  • The calculation of Mask Liveness has been accelerated and memory consumption has been reduced during the calculation.

  • A new request "get list of plugins" has been added to the LUNA Streams service, which enables you to get a list of imported plugins and their status.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed a memory leak that occurred in some cases when the preview was turned on. Reduced RAM consumption when this option is enabled.