FaceStream v.5.1.6#
FaceStream changes
The "send_detection_path" parameter was removed from the FaceStream settings. Now the ability to send detections with the coordinates of the human body is controlled by the numerical value of the "minimal_body_track_length_to_send" parameter. If the "minimal_body_track_length_to_send" value is "0", then no detections will be sent.
Now, when sending a source frame to the LUNA Image Store using the "frame_store" parameter, the account ID will also be sent. The
file containing the "account_id" parameter will be saved in the folder with the source frame in the bucket.
LUNA Streams changes
The error was fixed, in which after transferring the stream to the "pause" status, the status "in_progress" was displayed in the stream logs (see the "get streams logs" request).
The error was fixed that allowed setting very large values for parameters in "create stream" and "Post feedback on streams" requests.