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This document provides an example of the steps required to upgrade to a new build of FaceStream, provided that the application was previously launched with the LUNA PLATFORM installed according to the appropriate manual. If FaceStream was launched in accordance with the FaceStream installation manual without launching LUNA PLATFORM (with the installation of the minimum required components), then you must use the appropriate document in the distribution.

This manual is intended with an assumption that:

  • You already have a previous minor version of FaceStream distribution installed and the required environment is up and running at your server(s).
  • FaceStream and LUNA Streams are installed according to corresponding installation manuals, and the default paths are used. Otherwise, you should consider your manual changes during the update.

When updating, keep in mind that the PostgreSQL and InfluxDB data for the LUNA Streams service is stored in the directory with the LUNA PLATFORM installed. Therefore, it is assumed that when updating FaceStream after updating LUNA PLATFORM, PostgreSQL and InfluxDB data have already been moved to the directory with the new LUNA PLATFORM distribution (see the section "Move data" of the LUNA PLATFORM installation manual).

This document includes an example of FaceStream deployment. It implements LUNA PLATFORM minimum power operating for demonstration purposes and cannot be used for the production system.

All the provided commands should be executed using the Bash shell (when you launch commands directly on the server) or in a program for working with network protocols (when you remotely connect to the server), for example, Putty.