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FaceStream v.5.1.18#


  • Implemented functionality for collecting and sending FaceStream monitoring data to the Influx database. Monitoring for FaceStream is disabled by default. To enable FaceStream monitoring, you need to enable the "send_data" setting and set additional settings from the "monitoring" section of the FaceStream settings.

    The following data is sent to InfluxDB:

    • measurement element. It is equal to the value of fs-requests.
    • tag set:

      • fs_ip - IP address where FaceStream is deployed
      • source - the "name" field set when creating a stream in LUNA Streams (optional)
      • stream_id - stream ID
    • field set:

      • track_id - track ID
      • event_id - event ID received from LUNA PLATFORM
      • request_id - external ID for communication with monitoring of LUNA PLATFORM services
      • track_start_time - track start time
      • track_best_shot_time - the time when the frame with the bestshot being sent appeared in the system
      • track_best_shot_min_size_time (optional) - the time when the detection size reached the value specified in the "best_shot_min_size" parameter
      • track_best_shot_proper_size_time (optional) - time when the detection size reached the value specified in the "best_shot_proper_size" parameter
      • liveness_start_time (optional) - Liveness start time
      • liveness_end_time (optional) - Liveness end time
      • bestshot_count - the number of bestshots sent
      • time_from_first_frame_to_send - the time that passed from the appearance of the first frame in FS to sending to LP
      • track_send_count - the number of tracks sent

      Tags containing time are sent as UTC with microsecond precision.

    • <timestamp> element. Is the time the bestshot(s) was(were) sent in microseconds.

    See the "Monitoring" section of the administrator manual for more information.

  • Added user interface for the LUNA Streams service.

    The interface can be opened in a browser by specifying the address and port of the LUNA Streams service: <streams_server_address>:<streams_server_port>

    The user interface of the service contains three tabs - "Streams", "Groups" and "Queue".

    • "Streams" is a tab where streams statuses and their preview are displayed, it is possible to create and manage streams.
    • "Groups" is a tab where streams groups are displayed.
    • "Queue" is a tab where the streams that are in the processing queue are displayed.

    See the detailed information in the "LUNA Streams user interface" section of the administrator manual.

  • Implemented sending coordinates of bounding rectangles of faces (X, Y, width, height) when using an image without transformation (setting portrait_type=gost). Sending is implemented by adding the face_bounding_boxes parameter containing an array of bounding boxes corresponding to the detected faces.

    The coordinates of the rectangle are defined in the portrait coordinate system.

    The coordinates of the rectangle are saved in the face_bounding_boxes field of the event generation request body. These coordinates are used when generating an event, which allows face redetection, which is performed faster than face detection.

  • The maximum size of batch with sets of images and detections sent for AGS and HeadPose estimation is limited to 16.

    This reduces the memory consumption of the FaceStream.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed the error where the value of silent_period=-1 could cause the track to be sent several times.

    This error caused multiple events with the same track_id to be generated in LUNA PLATFORM.