
Stream API allows clients to get information about processing streams.

It is also possible to request a video preview for the particular stream. Refer to streams/preview/ API for details.


Get list of current stream parameters. The response body will contain an array of JSON objects.


Get stream info.


Allows clients to obtain stream preview as MotionJPEG: server sends JPEG stream of frames.


Gets stream last frame as image/jpeg.


Stream API allows clients to get all metrics about Face Stream's current state, like streams or translations count, errors, etc.

Output format can be obtained from "https://prometheus.io/".

Metrics is subdivided into two sections: global metrics (all streams information) and each stream's metrics.

Global metrics section is started with comment "# Global counters".

Each stream metrics section is started with comment like "# Stream name = 'stream name' uuid = 'stream uuid'".

Global metrics counters:

Create_stream_errors - streams creating errors counter. Tags: "code" (text code of error) and "msg" (description of error)

Streams_count - current streams count. Tags: "all" (all streams count) and "alive" (alive streams count)

Translations_count - current translations count

Streams metrics counters:

Streams_errors - count of errors occurred in attempts to open stream or read frame from it. Tags: "action" (open or read frame), "error" (text code of error), "msg" (description of error)

Skips_count - total frames, that have been skipped (not processed) because of high load

Detections_count - current frame detections count

FPS - current FPS (of stream processing)


Allows clients to obtain metrics about streams.


Receiving version information about FaceStream.


Receiving version information about FaceStream.