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Outputting information to logs#

This section describes additional information that can help you when working with FaceStream logs or the logs of the services required for it.

FaceStream log output format#

FaceStream logs have the following format:

[I0317 16:27:07.375125    57 LunaBaseClient.cpp:45] [client] Request


  • I0317:

    • I — Logging level. 4 levels can be displayed in the logs — I (Info), W (Warning), E (Error), F (Fatal). If necessary, you can set the logging level (see "severity" parameter);
    • 0317 — Day and month, i.e. March 17.
  • 16:27:07.375125 — Timestamp.

  • 57 — Process PID ID.

  • LunaBaseClient.cpp — File name that caused this log line to occur.

  • 45 — Log string.

  • [client] — Tag associated with logging the relevant information (see "tags" parameter).

  • Request — Description of the log string.

FaceStream errors are not covered in this section.

LUNA Streams service errors#

This section describes the errors returned by the LUNA Streams service. Each of the errors has a unique code. It is convenient to use it to find an error.

The errors can have different reasons.

In case of “Internal server error” or any other unexpected error occurrence, it is recommended to check service logs to find out more information about the error.

When using LUNA Streams together with LUNA PLATFORM services, other LP services may experience errors. In this case, please refer to the LUNA PLATFORM documentation or visit the online documentation site for a complete list of errors returned by LUNA PLATFORM 5 services.

Code 39001 returned#

Error Message:

Object not found Stream with id {value} not found

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

The stream with the specified ID was not found. Make sure that the existing "steam_id" is set. You can get a list of existing "stream_id" by using a GET request to the "/streams" resource.

Code 39002 returned#

Error Message:

Bad input data ‘{value}’ is not valid stream status; permitted: {value}.

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

When creating the stream, an incorrect status was entered in the "status" field. You can set only two statuses — "pause" and "pending". The rest of the statuses can be obtained only at a certain point in time. The error description shows the expected status.

Code 39003 returned#

Error Message:

Unable to stop processing Processing of stream with id ‘{value}’ is already in progress and cannot be stopped.

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

It is not possible to set the "pause" status for the specified "stream_id", since processing has already started (relevant only for video files).

Code 39004 returned#

Error Message:

Bad input data ‘{value}’ is not valid stream log target; permitted: {}.

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

A non-existent value of the "targets" parameter is specified in the "/streams/logs" request to receive logs.

Code 39005 returned#

Error Message:

Unable to cancel processing Processing of stream with id ‘{value}’ is finished and cannot be cancelled

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

It is not possible to set the "cancel" status for the specified "stream_id", because processing has already been finished.

Code 39006 returned#

Error Message:

Unique constraint error Group named {value} already exists

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

Group with specified name already exist.

Enter another name or delete the existing group using the "remove group" request.

Code 39007 returned#

Error Message:

Object not found Group named {value} not found

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

Group with specified name was not found.

Check the entered group name.

You can get the list of all existing groups with their parameters using the "get groups" request.

Code 39008 returned#

Error Message:

Object not found Group with id {value} not found"

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

Group with specified ID was not found.

Check the entered group ID.

You can get the list of all existing groups with their parameters using the "get groups" request.

Code 39009 returned#

Error Message:

Object not found. Not found '{value}' preview url for stream with id '{value}'.

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

The specified preview url (live or last_frame) was not found for the specified "stream_id".

Make sure the report contains the required url.

Code 39010 returned#

Error Message:

Preview processing error, {value}

Error Source:

LUNA Streams service errors

Error Description:

Preview processing error.

The brackets indicate the error being reported from the stream source.