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Priority parameters list#

To send photo images to the LUNA PLATFORM, first of all, you need to configure FaceStream to work with faces or bodies (see parameters for switching detection mode below), as well as configure the basic parameters necessary for the correct operation of the application. All parameters are separated as follows:

  • FaceStream parameters are set in the in the "FACE_STREAM_CONFIG" section in the Configurator or in the "fs3config.conf" configuration file.

  • Streams management parameters are set in a request with a body in JSON format to the "/streams" resource.

  • TrackEngine parameters are set in the in the "TRACK_ENGINE_CONFIG" section in the Configurator or in the "trackengine.conf" configuration file.

See the detailed description of the parameters listed below in the relevant sections.

The following common parameters are available for sending both faces and bodies:

FaceStream parameters

Parameter Description
sending > async_requests Enables you to switch between asynchronous and synchronous request sending modes in LUNA PLATFORM
sending > send_source_frame Enables sending the source frame to LUNA PLATFORM
sending > jpeg_quality_level Enables you to set the compression ratio of the source frame

Streams management parameters

Parameter Description
data > analytics > event_handler > frame_store Enables you to set the URL of the Image Store service to send the source frame

Parameters for sending faces#

The parameters for sending face images to LUNA PLATFORM 5 are listed below.

TrackEngine parameters

Parameter Description
use-face-detector Enables face detection — 1
use-body-detector Enables body detection — 0

FaceStream parameters

Parameter Description
lunastreams > api_version The version of the API of the LUNA Streams service — 1
lunastreams > origin Full network path to LUNA Streams service
lunaplatform > api_version The version of the API of the LUNA API service — 6
lunaplatform > origin Full network path to LUNA API service
sending > request_type Request type for sending images to LP — jpeg
sending > portrait_type Image transfer format — warp
sending > aggregate_attr_requests Enables aggregation of the best shots to get a single descriptor in LUNA PLATFORM — true or false

Streams management parameters

Parameter Description
data > type Type of signal source (tcp, udp, videofile, images) — string
account_id "Luna_account_id", to which the request is related — string in UUID format
data > analytics > event_handler > handler_id LP handler that enables you to flexibly configure the faces processing — string in UUID format

For detailed information about the handlers, see the documentation APIReferenceManual.html included in the LUNA PLATFORM 5 distribution package.

Parameters for sending bodies#

The parameters for sending body images to LUNA PLATFORM 5 are listed below.

TrackEngine parameters

Parameter Description
use-face-detector Enables face detection — 0
use-body-detector Enables body detection — 1

FaceStream parameters

Parameter Description
lunastreams > api_version The version of the API of the LUNA Streams service — 1
lunastreams > origin Full network path to LUNA Streams service
sending > aggregate_attr_requests Enables aggregation of the best shots to get a single descriptor in LUNA PLATFORM — true or false
sending > minimal_body_track_length_to_send This parameter enables the sending of detections with the coordinates of the human body — x, y, width and height and sets the number of detections, less than the value of which they will not be sent — 3
sending > detection_path_length This parameter sets the maximum number of detections for the "minimal_body_track_length_to_send" parameter. — 100

Streams management parameters

Parameter Description
data > type Type of signal source (tcp, udp, videofile, images) — string
account_id "Luna_account_id", to which the request is related — string in UUID format
data > analytics > event_handler > handler_id LP handler that enables you to flexibly configure the processing of bodies — string in UUID format

For detailed information about the handlers, see the documentation APIReferenceManual.html included in the LUNA PLATFORM 5 distribution package.