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Access architecture#

Access scheme#

The Access scheme is shown below (Figure 1).

Scheme Access
Figure 1. Scheme Access

Table 3. Scheme description.

Component Description
Users The system administrator configures and maintains Access.
Access A set of management software tools that allow for the collaboration of VisionLabs products and various access control and management systems (ACS).
Access UI Access graphical user interface.
Access BackEnd BackEnd Access, responsible for working with external components, interaction with the UI.
Access backend server A set of libraries that combines Access and UI modules.
Rabbit MQ Message queue broker.
Redis A system for storing data in the form of structures to ensure the performance of Access.
JSON-storage settings.json file to store integration settings and user data.
Worker A set of modules for interacting with external components.
Pipelines Module Access module that contains libraries for configuring the operation of external devices and external services
Devices Module Access module that contains libraries for connecting external devices to Access
Services Module Access module that contains libraries for connecting external services to Access
Controllers Module Access module that contains libraries for working with external controllers
External devices Connectable cameras, terminals, and thermal imaging cameras that transmit a video stream for further processing. For a complete list of available devices, see the User Manual
External services PACS or VisionLabs products that can be used in integration. For a complete list of available PACS or VisionLabs products, see the User Manual
External Controllers External controllers (for example, card readers) used in integrations.

Sequence diagrams#

Interaction of internal components of Access#

Interaction of Access components on the example of typical integration of video signal source + LP5 + Sigur (Figure 2).

Process scheme
Figure 2. Process scheme

Table 4. Sequence diagram description

Step Description
(1) The man approached the turnstile with the purpose of passage, the person's face was detected by the terminal.
(2) The terminal sent a photo of a person to the "Devices" module
(3) The Device module sends face data to the Pipeline module for further processing.
(4) The Pipeline module processes photos according to internal settings.
(5) The Pipeline module passes the pass data to the Service module for further processing.
(6) The Service module sends a request to an external service (LP5) to identify a person.
(7) External service (LP5) performs identification.
(8) External service (LP5) returns a response about the result of face recognition and identification.
(9) The Services module sends recognition data to the Pipeline module.
(10) The Pipeline Module returns a response to the Device Module about the recognition result.
(11) The Device Module returns the name data of the person at the terminal to display the name and successful identification message on the terminal screen
(12) The Pipeline module sends recognition data to the Services module to the Pipeline module.
(13) The Services module passes recognition data to External services (Sigur)
(14) External service (Sigur) processes the recognition result according to internal instructions. In case of successful recognition, it sends a signal to open the turnstile.
(15) The external service (Sigur) returns the processing result to the Services Module.
(16) The Services module sends processing data to the Pipeline module.
(17) The Pipelines module sends a request to Redis to save the pass data to the JSON-storage.
(18) Redis creates a task to store information in the JSON-storage.
(19) Redis passes the task to the Access backend server for implementation
(20) Access backend server sends data to the JSON-storage to store information about the pass.
(21) Access backend server sends data to the Access UI to display the result of the pass to the logging section.
(22) Access backend server returns information about the execution of a task to Redis.

Creating a component#

Creating a component in Access UI (Figure 3).

Process scheme
Figure 2. Process scheme

Table 5. Sequence diagram description

Step Description
(1) The user fills in the data of a new object (device, service, pipeline, or controller) in the Access UI.
(2) Access UI sends a request to the Access backend server to create a component.
(3) Access backend server creates the component and generates a task to check the status of the connected component.
(4) Access backend server sends a task to Rabbit MQ to enqueue the task.
(5) Rabbit MQ returns the response that the task has been queued.
(6) Rabbit MQ sends a request to check the status of the component to the appropriate module (Devices/Services/Controllers) specified in the component's settings.
(7) The Devices/Services/Controllers module redirects the status check request to an external device/service/controller.
(8) External device/service/controller returns an activity status response.
(9) The Devices/Services/Controllers module returns a response about the state of the external device/service/controller.
(10) Alt pipeline creation. Rabbit MQ sends a request to the Pipeline Module to check the status of the components specified in the pipeline settings.
(11) Alt pipeline creation. The Pipeline module redirects the status check request to the Devices/Services/Controllers modules specified in the pipeline settings.
(12) Alt pipeline creation. The Devices/Services/Controllers modules return a response about the availability of components.
(13) Alt pipeline creation. The Pipeline module returns a status response.
(14) Rabbit MQ returns the result of the task to the Access backend server.
(15) Access backend server sends data to the JSON-storage to save information about the pass.
(17) Access backend server sends data to the Access UI to display the result of creating the component.
(18) Access UI displays the created components with an active status for the user.

Automatic monitoring#

Automatic monitoring of the state of components (Figure 4).

Process scheme
Figure 2. Process scheme

Table 6. Sequence diagram description

Step Description
(1) The entry point for this process is the creation of any component.
(2) Access backend server passes data about the created bean to Redis.
(3) Redit sends a request every minute to connected Modules to check the status of external devices.
(4) Modules redirect the connection check request to external components.
(5) External components return a response about the connection status, if the response to the request was not received, then the module considers the connected device disconnected.
(6) The module returns a response about the state of the component.
(7) Redis passes the state of the components to the Access backend server.
(8) Access backend server sends data to the JSON-storage to store component information.
(10) Access backend server sends data to the Access UI to display the component's activity status.
(11) Access UI updates the component's activity status indicator.
(12) Access UI returns a status update response to the Access backend server.

Manual monitoring#

Manual monitoring of the task list using Flower (Figure 5).

Process scheme
Figure 2. Process scheme

Table 7. Sequence diagram description

Step Description
(1) The user sends a request to the Flower monitoring component to get a list of tasks and task status.
(2) Flower sends a request for a list of tasks and their status to the Rabbit MQ queue manager.
(3) Rabbit MQ returns information about the tasks in the response.
(4) Flower displays a list of tasks for the user.

For monitoring instructions, see Monitoring internal tasks with Flower