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VisionLabs LUNA Access (hereinafter referred to as Access) is a set of software and hardware technical means of control and management that allows you to implement the joint operation of VisionLabs products and various physical access control systems (hereinafter referred to as PACS).

Access provides the following features:

  • adding video devices for streaming to LUNA PLATFORM or LUNA CARS;
  • adding auxiliary devices for reading data from magnetic pass cards or obtaining data on a person's temperature;
  • sending requests to add/change data to LUNA PLATFORM;
  • receiving identification events;
  • sending requests from LUNA PLATFORM to the PACS software about identification events;
  • logging events about an attempt by an unidentified employee to pass through the turnstile.

Integrations using Access, LUNA CARS/LUNA PLATFORM 5 and external devices allow you to solve the following tasks::

  • access control;
  • improvement of accessibility and throughput of checkpoints;
  • control of the time spent by employees, visitors, vehicles in the secure area;
  • protection against unauthorized access attempts using Liveness technology.