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All fields are required unless otherwise stated in the description.


The Apacs2FA pipeline implements custom two-factor authentication for the Apacs service. Listening to events that occurred when reading the card, as well as face detection events. They are matched by their source. When the first factor arrives with a certain source, then the second factor starts waiting, the time for waiting for it is set in the expiry_time setting, as soon as it is received, the validation of this pair begins.

  • The similarity of the best matching candidate must not be lower than that specified in the min_similarity setting.
  • The card number received from the reader must match the card number of the person in the Luna list.

Upon completion of the authentication procedure, the corresponding text is displayed on the screen of the device. After successful validation, the card number is sent to the corresponding output of the Gate Ethernet Wiegand controller.

To create a pipeline, you need to specify:

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name Pipeline name set by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
luna_id Dropdown list to select the Luna Service ID in Access. - -
apacs_id Drop-down list to select the APACS service ID in Access. - -
expiry_time Time limit in seconds to get the second factor. 0...10 5
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification. The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage. 0.00...1.00
unknown_card_message Message when sending an unknown card to make an access decision. Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 50 characters. The card has been read and sent to the controller
waiting_time_exceeded_message Message when the second factor timed out Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 50 characters. Timeout exceeded
access_denied_card Card number of the user created to notify about unsuccessful passes. You must specify the number so that in the connected ACS you can see the log that the authorization failed. - None
use_cards_without_face Using and sending to the controller cards that are not linked to faces On - send On
Off - do not send


The pipeline listens to the queue of LunaEvent and SuccessMatchEvent events in Luna and generates the BastionEvent event. It works in conjunction with Bastion ACS.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
luna_id Drop-down list with Luna service IDs in Access - -
bastion_id The unique ID of the Bastion device used in the integration. Specified in Access. - -
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage (0,00...1,00) 0,7
retry_delay_sec Pause for reattempting the passage 1...15 5


The Custom2FA pipeline implements custom two-factor authentication. Card swiping events are listened to, as well as regular face detection events. Events are matched by their source and saved to the mapping. When the first factor arrives with a specific source, the waiting for the second factor starts. The time for waiting for it is set in the expiry_time setting, as soon as it is received, the validation of this pair begins:

  • the similarity of the best matching candidate must not be lower than that specified in the min_face_similarity setting;
  • the card number received from the reader must match the card number of the face in the Luna list.

Upon completion of the authentication procedure, the corresponding text is displayed on the device screen. After successful validation, the card number is sent to the appropriate output of the Gate Ethernet Wiegand or WGNetConverter controller.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name set by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
luna_id Dropdown list to select the Luna Service ID in Access. - -
expiry_time Time limit in seconds to get the second factor. 0...10 5
min_face_similarity The minimum quality value of a recognized face, at which identification will be carried out. The lower the quality, the higher the probability of false positives. 0.0...1.0 0.7
unknown_card_message Message when sending an unknown card to decide on access Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 50 characters. The card has been read and sent to the controller
waiting_time_exceeded_message Message when the second factor timed out Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 50 characters. Timeout exceeded
use_cards_without_face Using and sending to the controller cards that are not linked to faces On - send On
Off - do not send


LunaEventListener listens events from Luna generated by Luna internal service, LunaStreams, or any other external software. Launches controllers of event components (event authors) or launches the functionality of controllers connected to components or taken by name.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name User-defined pipeline name Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
luna_id Luna service ID in the system - -
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification. The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage. 0.00...1.00
enable_fake_events Handling requests with failed Liveness checks to view such events. For activation, the enable_fake_events parameter in the SendToLuna pipeline must be active On - handle Off
Off - do not process


Requests a descriptor in the KBS and extracts the candidate from its database using its identifier.

When working with devices and controllers, it is necessary to connect pipelines SendToDevice and SendToController, respectively

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
bio_system_id Unique CBS service identifier - -
pacs_id UUID of the ACS service in Access UUID -
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification. The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage. 0.00...1.00


Requests a descriptor in KBS Alpha and extracts the candidate from its database using its identifier. With the received data (candidate and source name), an event is created and a SuccessMatchEvent is sent to the queue.

When working with devices and controllers, it is necessary to connect pipelines SendToDevice and SendToController, respectively

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name User-defined pipeline name Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
bio_system_id The unique identifier of the KBS Alpha service - -
pacs_id UUID of the Apacs ACS service in Access UUID -
min_face_similarity The minimum threshold for facial similarity during verification. The value is formed at the design stage and adjusted at the testing stage. 0,00...1,00
only_cbs_list Switching lists for matching On - switching to work only with the KBS list Off
Off - switching to work with two lists


Monitors events from a biometric system (LP5 or CBS), retrieves candidate information and sends it to an external service via a webhook. If no candidate is found, returns an empty best_candidate value.

The pipeline is required for solutions where Access needs to pass data from related components to external systems beyond the proposed integrations.

The template of the returned data:

    source: str, best_candidate: 
        person_id: str, similarity: float | None = None, fullname: str | None, descriptor_id: str | None = None 
  • source - device name;
  • best_candidate - candidate data;
  • person_id - candidate ID in ACS;
  • similarity - similarity coefficient (only for LP5);
  • fullname - candidate full name;
  • descriptor_id - descriptor ID;

Для создания пайплайна требуется указать:

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name Pipeline name specified by the user Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
host IP address or domain name of the target server IP address in the form X.X.X.X. or site.domain. -
port Target server port - -
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold for verification. The value is generated at the design stage and adjusted at the testing stage. 0.00...1.00 0.7
urn urn for connecting to an external service - -
enable_ssl Data encryption method for network transmission. Depends on the network type in the solution. On - https Off
Off - http


Listens for LunaEvent and ResultMatchEvent events from a biometric system (LP5 or CBS), retrieves candidate information and sends json to all connected clients via websocket. If no candidate is found, returns an empty best_candidate value. For authentication, you must add the "Authentication" header with the token from the component information.

The pipeline is needed for solutions where Access needs to pass data from related components to external systems beyond the proposed integrations.

The template of the returned data:

    source: str, best_candidate: 
        person_id: str, similarity: float | None = None, fullname: str | None, descriptor_id: str | None = None 
  • source - device name;
  • best_candidate - candidate data;
  • person_id - candidate ID in ACS;
  • similarity - similarity coefficient (only for LP5);
  • fullname - candidate full name;
  • descriptor_id - descriptor ID;

To create a pipeline, you need to specify:

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name Pipeline name specified by the user Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
host IP address of the server on which Access is installed IP address in the form X.X.X.X. or site.domain -
port Port of the server on which Access is deployed - 9091
min_face_similarity Minimum threshold of face similarity during verification. The value is generated at the design stage and adjusted at the testing stage. 0.00...1.00 0.7


The pipeline listens to the queue of SuccessMatchEvent events, validates the received event for the presence of a candidate, the level of compliance, and the presence of a card number. Then the device is searched by the name of the event source and the card number is sent to this device.

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -


A pipeline for sending events from LunaCars to Laurent. Listens to the Event event queue and generates SigurCarEvent events.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
controller_id UUID of Laurent controller in Access - -
relay_{N}_scenario_id UUID Scenario in LUNA CARS Analytics, according to which the license plate is checked for the relay {N}. - -


A pipeline for sending events from LunaCars to Sigur. Listens to the Event event queue and generates SigurCarEvent events. The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -


Listens to the heat detection event queue and generates events in Luna. To launch, specify the component_id of the Luna service running in the system. The pipeline works with several lists: default list and blacklist. It distributes the received data between lists depending on the set thresholds for the lower and upper temperature values.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
luna_id Luna service ID in the system - -
handler_id UUID of the passage event handler, created in Luna - -
black_list_id Luna list ID with which the device will synchronize people who are denied access (optional) The ID of the list created in Luna -
to_high_temperature The upper threshold of a person's temperature at which a person cannot be allowed to pass 3## 37
to_low_temperature The lower threshold of a person's temperature at which a person cannot be allowed to pass 3## 35
use_lists On — match; Off
Off — do not match
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification. The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage. 0.00...1.00


Listens to the LunaEvent, DoorEvent event queues and generates the BarsEvent event.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
luna_id Drop-down list with Luna service IDs in Access - -
bars_host IP address or network name of the PC with installed Bars server - -
bars_port Bars server port
enable_ssl Method of data encryption during transmission over the network. Depends on the type of network in the solution. On - https Off
Off - http
retry_delay_sec Pause for reattempting the passage 1...10 5
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage (0,00...1,00) 0,7


Sends a relay opening signal to the device by the name of the event source.

When creating a new pipeline, the following settings are used:

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name User-defined pipeline name Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -


Sends a signal to open the relay to the device by the name of the event source and displays the text on the screen.

When creating a new pipeline, the following settings are used:

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name User-defined pipeline name Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
successful_pass_message_template Message upon successful identification. To display the user's name on the terminal screen, upon successful identification, you must use the FULL name variables. The word order in the welcome message can be any. Any text names and full NAME variables. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 24 characters. Welcome
unsuccessful_pass_message Message in case of unsuccessful identification Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 24 characters. The person has not been identified


It is designed to interact with the MatchPyPhoto pipeline and the GrgFaster device.

When creating a new pipeline, the following settings are used:

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name User-defined pipeline name Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
successful_pass_message_template Message upon successful identification. To display the user's name on the terminal screen, upon successful identification, you must use the NAME variables. The word order in the welcome message can be any. Any text names and full NAME variables. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 24 characters. -
facility_code A parameter for entering card numbers for their identification by the system. It will be added for each card number before being sent to the controller - -


The pipeline sends the received FaceDetectionEvent events to Luna.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
luna_id Luna service ID in the system - -
enable_fake_events Submitting faces with failed liveness to view Liveness hack attempts. To activate, the enable_fake_events parameter in the LunaEventListener pipeline must be active On - send Off
Off - do not send


Listens to the queue of LunaEvent and SuccessMatchEvent events in Luna and generates the ParsecEvent event.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
luna_id Drop-down list with Luna service IDs in Access - -
parsec_id Unique ID of the Parsec device used in the integration.Specified in Access - -
retry_delay_sec Pause for reattempting the passage 1...10 5
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage (0,00...1,00) 0,7


Listens to the queue of LunaEvent, in case of successful face validation from the event, sends request to the Salto service to pass through the access point and displays the result of successfull/unsuccessfull pass on the screen of device.

When creating a new pipeline, the following settings are used:

Parameter Description Possible values Default value
name Pipeline name set by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters. -
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification. The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage. 0.00...1.00


Listens to the queue of LunaEvent and SuccessMatchEvent events in Luna and generates the SigurEvent event.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
luna_id Drop-down list with Luna service IDs in Access - -
sigur_id Unique ID of the Sigur device used in the integration. Specified in Access - -
retry_delay_sec Pause for reattempting the passage 1...10 5


If the controller is not in 2FA mode: Listens to the LunaEvent event queue, in case of successful face validation in the event, sends a request to the Strazh service to pass through the access point.

If the controller is in 2FA mode, the events that occurred when reading the card, as well as the usual face detection events, are listened to. They are matched by their source'. When the first factor arrives with a certain source, the waiting for the second factor is started, the waiting time is set in thesecond_factor_expiry_time` setting in the StrazhController, as soon as it is received, validation of this pair begins.

The following settings are used when creating a new pipeline:

Parameter Description Values Default value
name Pipeline name given by the user Any text names. Only Latin characters are supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 30 characters -
strazh_id Dropdown list to select Strazh service ID in Access. - -
min_face_similarity Minimum face similarity threshold when performing verification The value is formed at the design stage and corrected at the testing stage (0,00...1,00) 0,9
waiting_time_exceeded_message Message when the second factor timed out Any text names. Latin and Cyrillic input is supported. It is not recommended to enter more than 50 characters. Timeout exceeded