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Getting started in CARS Analytics UI#

Role Model#

In CARS Analytics UI, access rights are differentiated in accordance with the role model. There are two roles in total: User and Administrator. Roles and a description of their rights are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Functions by Roles

Role Section Rights
Administrator Events - Viewing the list of events
- Viewing an event card
- Event filtering
- Image search
- Event export
Incidents - Viewing the list of incidents
- Viewing an Incident Card
- Incident filtering
- Incident Export
List - Create/edit/delete lists
- Create/edit/delete list entries
- Viewing Lists
Scenarios - Creating/editing/deleting scenarios
- Create/edit/delete scenario entries
- Creating/editing/deleting handlers
- Viewing Scenarios
Cameras - Adding/editing/deleting cameras
- Viewing the list of cameras
- Viewing the video stream
Users - Adding/editing/deleting users
- Viewing a list of users
Tasks - View all pending tasks running
- Cancel all tasks
- Viewing the result of all tasks
User Events - Viewing the list of events
- Viewing an event card
- Event filtering
- Image search
- Event export
Incidents - Viewing the list of incidents
- Viewing an Incident Card
- Incident filtering
- Incident Export
List - Viewing Lists
Cameras - Viewing the list of cameras
- Viewing the video stream
Tasks - View a list of their tasks
- Cancel their tasks
- Viewing the results of their tasks

Account Activating#

When the Administrator creates a new user, he receives a link to continue registration to his email address. An example of a letter (Figure 1).

Example of letter for a new user
Figure 1. Example of letter for a new user

To continue registration, you must follow the link. A form for creating a new password will appear on the screen (Figure 2). You must enter a password and confirm it in the second field. If the passwords match, complete the password creation process by clicking the «Save» button.

Password creation window
Figure 2. Password creation window

After successfully creating a password, the system will automatically prompt you to log in.


User access is conducted by logging in to the website in a web browser. The CARS Analytics UI login link must be requested from the Administrator.

When you log in to the CARS Analytics UI, an authorization form is launched (Figure 3).

To authorize in CARS Analytics UI, you must enter your credentials (login and password) in the appropriate fields and click the «Login» button.

Authorization window
Figure 3. Authorization window

The Administrator is created automatically during installation and is used for primary access to the system. The login and password data are set in the configuration file «.env», by default the login is «», the password is «test_admin».

Password Reset in Log in Form#

The password can be reset from the login page by clicking the corresponding button (Figure 4).

Forgot password button
Figure 4. Forgot password button

This will open a window for entering an email (Figure 5). After entering press «Reset».

Email input form
Figure 5. Email input form

Letter will be sent to the mail, in which you will need to follow the link and enter a new password. This process is similar to the account activation process (see section 1.2).

Log Out#

To logout from service, click the «Logout» button, which is located in the drop-down list to the right of the user image (Figure 6).

Location of the Log out button in the Cars Analytics UI
Figure 6. Location of the Log out button in the Cars Analytics UI