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Appendix 3. Settings of «all.yml» file#

Parameter Description Values Default values ER
FIREWALL_DISABLE The parameter responsible for disabling the firewall - yes – firewall off; no
- no – firewall on
SELINUX_DISABLE The parameter responsible for disabling the forced access control system «SELinux» - yes – SELinux off; no
- no – SELinux on
PACKAGES_UPDATE The parameter responsible for disabling package updates during installation - yes – update off; no
- no – update on
LUNA_CARS_HOME This is the directory where the installation will take place. It is recommended to leave the default path to the home directory, otherwise there may be directory search errors during installation /var/lib/luna/cars /var/lib/luna/ cars
ANALYTICS_MEDIA_ROOT_FOLDER The folder where all images will be saved /var/lib/luna/cars/media /var/lib/luna/ cars/media
HASP_LICENCE_SERVER Specifies the path to the server with available network product license. It is set locally without a network license IP address of the server with HASP installed localhost
HASP_LICENSE_FILE Specifies the path to the license file Path to the license file empty
STREAM_LICENSE_FILE Directory for hosting the license file for human and animal detectors Path to the license file ./extras/ license_files/ license_example.conf
LANGUAGE_CODE CARS Analytics interface language - ‘ru-ru’ – russian; ‘ru-ru’
- ‘en-us’ – english
TIME_ZONE Parameter set time on the server. The value of this parameter can be any of the values available in the timezone database.Information about time zones can be found «here» 'Europe/Moscow'
API_VERSION This variable is automatically set to the version of the CARS API distribution Available CARS API versions v.2.0.4
API_PLATFORM Selecting CARS API operating mode - gpu – work on the GPU architecture; cpu_avx
- cpu_avx – work on the architecture of the central processor with support for Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (AVX2) instructions;
- cpu – work on the architecture of the central processor without support for AVX2 instructions
STREAM_PLATFORM Selecting CARS Stream operating mode - gpu – work on the GPU architecture; cpu
- cpu – work on the architecture of the central processor without support for AVX2 instructions
STREAM_VERSION This variable is automatically set to the version of CARS Stream distribution Available versions of CARS Stream v.2.0.54
ANALYTICS_BACKEND_VERSION This variable is automatically set to the version of the CARS Analytics backend component distribution Available versions of CARS Analytics backend v.3.1.21
ANALYTICS_BACKEND_VEHICLE_PLUGIN_VERSION Specifies the distribution version of the CARS Analytics script plugin. By default, the current version is set Available versions of the CARS Analytics plugin v.1.0.27
ANALYTICS_FRONTEND_VERSION This variable automatically specifies the version of the CARS Analytics frontend distribution kit Available versions of frontend CARS Analytic v.2.0.39
API_ZIP_LOCATION This parameter specifies the path to the CARS API archive ../../extras/api/luna-cars_{{ API_PLATFORM }}rel}.zip -
STREAM_ZIP_LOCATION This parameter specifies the path to the CARS Stream archive ../../extras/stream/carstream_linux_cs8_{{ STREAM_VERSION }}.zip -
ANALYTICS_BACKEND_ZIP_LOCATION This parameter specifies the path to the backend archive of the CARS Analytics component ../../extras/back/cars_analytics_backend_{{ ANALYTICS_BACKEND_VERSION }}.zip -
ANALYTICS_BACKEND_VEHICLE_PLUGIN_LOCATION This parameter specifies the path to the CARS Analytics plugins archive ../../extras/back/analytics_vehicle_plugin_{{ ANALYTICS_BACKEND_VEHICLE_PLUGIN_VERSION }}.zip -
ANALYTICS_FRONTEND_ZIP_LOCATION This parameter specifies the path to the archive of the CARS Analytics frontend component ../../extras/front/cars_analytics_frontend_{{ ANALYTICS_FRONTEND_VERSION }}.zip -
API_PORT First CARS API port Available ports 8101
API_COUNT The range of ports to connect to the CARS API 1…Number of launched CARS API 2
API_CPU_COUNT The number of the СPU stream on which the CARS API will be launched. The countdown starts from 1 1…Number of CPU threads 8
API_GPU_NUMBER The number of the GPU stream on which the CARS API will be launched. The countdown starts from 0 0…Number of GPUs in the circuit 0
API_WITH_SLR Using a python module to check if a vehicle crosses a solid line - True – use; False
- False – do not use
API_LOG_LEVEL CARS API logging level - 0 – INFO (info messages logging); 2
- 1 – WARNING (warning messages logging);
- 2 – ERROR (errors logging);
- 3 – FATAL (critical errors logging)
API_NGINX_PORT Nginx port Available ports 8100
STREAM_PORT CARS Stream port Available ports 34569
HEALTH_CHECK_MAX_ERROR_COUNT Limit of errors when reading the frame source for a specified period. If the limit is exceeded, CarsStream closes the source and stops receiving frames from it 1...1000 200
API_PLATE_ESTIMATOR_TYPE Version of the algorithm for evaluating the accuracy of the LP recognition. The difference between the versions is to improve the quality of work and expand the list of recognized countries in the updated version 2 - V1; V2
- V2
API_SYMBOL_THRESHOLD The threshold for the accuracy of character recognition. Characters whose recognition accuracy is determined below the set threshold are not displayed in the UI 0…1 0.8
API_USE_LATIN_CHARACTERS Using Latin characters when displaying LP symbols ГРЗ - True – use latin; False
- False – use cyrillic
ENABLE_BODY_DETECTOR Flag for activating the human detector - 0 – off 1
- 1 – on
ENABLE_ANIMAL_DETECTOR Flag for activating the animal detector - 0 – off 1
- 1 – on
ANALYTICS_FRONTEND_PORT Port for connecting to the CARS Analytics frontend component Available ports 8080
ANALYTICS_BACKEND_PORT Port for connecting to the CARS Analytics backend component Available ports 8000
ANALYTICS_BACKEND_HANDLER_CONCURRENCY Distribution of operation load of CARS Analytics handlers on several threads. Depends on the number of CPU cores 1…8 8
AGGREGATE_WITH_WORKERS Use of additional resources (workers) for aggregation of detection and recognition results. When this option is enabled, workers are used to aggregate results, not an aggregator in the CARS Analytics BACKEND. The number of created workers is unlimited, the load is evenly distributed between them and events are processed in parallel. This parameter improves the performance of the system, in particular when connecting multiple cameras. When the parameter is disabled, the aggregation of results occurs only through the aggregator and takes longer - True – use; True
False – do not use
ENABLED_UNICODE_INPUT Using Unicode characters when searching for LP by characters in CARS Analytics - True – use; False
- False – do not use
AGGREGATOR_COUNT The number of instances of the aggregator service. The service is used to aggregate detection and recognition results. The use of multiple instances is necessary for the uniform distribution of multiple events. The number of instances used should not exceed the number of cameras used in the system 1…n 1
SEND_UPDATES_TO_WEB_SOCKET Determines whether to send an update after receiving the end of the track to WebSocket - True – send; True
- False – do not send True
LOGGING_DIR Specifies the name of the logs folder ‘logs’ ‘logs’
POSTGRES_DB Specifies name of database ‘luna_cars_analytics’ ‘luna_cars_analytics’
POSTGRES_USER Specifies login of database user ‘postgres’ ‘postgres’
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Specifies password of database user ‘password’ ‘password’
POSTGRES_PORT Database port 5432
REDIS_PORT Redis queue manager port 6379
EMAIL_USE_SSL Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) data protection protocol. The security protocol depends on the selected SMTP server. You must use one of the connection protocols (SSL or TLS). - True – use SSL; False
- False – do not use SSL
EMAIL_USE_TLS Specifies whether to use TLS (transport layer security) connection with the SMTP server. Used for explicit TLS connection - True – use TLS; True
- False – do not use TLS
EMAIL_PORT Specifies the port to use when connecting to the SMTP server. The values of connection parameters to the STMP server are taken from open sources 2525
EMAIL_HOST Specifies the name of the SMTP server used to send emails. The values of connection parameters to the STMP server are taken from open sources
EMAIL_HOST_USER Specifies the username used when connecting to the SMTP server specified in EMAIL_HOST. Email address created in the domain of the selected SMTP server
SERVER_EMAIL Specifies the email address used as the sender's address. Email address created in the domain of the selected SMTP server
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Sets the Email address used when sending various automatic mailings. Email address created in the domain of the selected SMTP server
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Sets the password for connecting to the SMTP server specified in EMAIL_HOST. This setting is used in conjunction with EMAIL_HOST_USER for authorization when connecting to an SMTP server. Password created in the domain of the selected SMTP server your_password
DEBUG_ANALYTICS LUNA CARS Analytics debugging mode - True – on; False
- False – off
XLSX_SAVE_IMAGES Saving the event image to a .xlsx file when generating reports - True – save; False
- False – do not save
GLUE_BY_TRACKEND Glue mode for duplicate events after receiving the trackend, if the LP or the brand and model of the vehicle matched. It is recommended to use it with frequent tracks breaks (e.g., if there is a partial overlap of the detected zone in the frame). Performance may be reduced when used - True – on; False
- False – off
GLUE_TRACKEND_TIMEDELTA Time delta where events are searched for gluing duplicate events (in seconds). It is recommended to use it with frequent tracks breaks (e.g., if there is a partial overlap of the detected zone in the frame). Performance may be reduced when used 1...60 5
SHOW_ALL_FULL_FRAMES Show all full frames in CARS Analytics. If the value is set to False, only the full frames of the start and end of the track and of one bestshot will be displayed. This parameter is supporting for testing and debugging the product and is not used by users when working with the product - True – on; False
- False – off
USE_OLD_AGGREGATION Usage of the old aggregation, i.e., the system for selecting the best values of recognition parameters. In the latest versions of the product, the new aggregation is used by default, this parameter is supporting for testing and debugging the product. Aggregations’ difference is in the algorithms used for selecting parameters - True – use; False
- False – do not use
BESTSHOT_LIFETIME Bestshot lifetime in hours. After the set value expires, the bestshot will be automatically deleted. The parameter values are not limited, however, it is not recommended to set high values in order to prevent the server memory from filling up 1…- 24
ENABLED_VEHICLE_CLASSIFIERS Enabled vehicle classifiers. See Admin Manual CARS API for classifiers full list "bestshot": ["car_brand_model_v2","vehicle_type","vehicle_emergency_type","vehicle_color","vehicle_descriptor","public_transport_type","special_transport_type","vehicle_axles",],"vehicle_plate":["grz_all_countries",]
SEND_TRACKEND_UPDATE Sending messages by the trackend. Used for event types with a barrier. In cases when messages about trackend are received late (the car remains in the frame, or the track is dropped to another object, etc.), disabling this parameter will help avoid reopening the barrier - True – ob; True
- False – off
MAX_SYMBOLS_BELOW_THRESHOLD The maximum number of errors when searching for CARGO (in the number of characters). That is, by how many characters is an acceptable error of the System possible when searching for LP (e.g. when comparing with a list of numbers) 1...10 2