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Appendix 2. Description of the parameters of the configuration file «csConfig.conf»#

Parameter Description Possible values Default values Editing recommendation
General Parameters
best-shot-observer Method for processing the best shots of vehicle and LP. car-plate car-plate
end-of-src-processor-wait-time Timeout in ms to create the necessary components for the CARS Stream application to work, based on the allocation of memory and resources for the specified time. 100...2000 500
Integration with CARS API (car-recognition)
mode The name of the subsystem, for recognizing the attributes of the vehicle and LP. python-service python-service
Recognition thresholds (recognition-thresholds)
license-plates-diff The number of characters that differ, at which two variants of the LP are still considered to belong to the same vehicle. As the parameter increases, the probability that different LPs will be considered the same increases. 0...11 3
license-plates-cmp-scores Estimation of the LP similarity threshold for the license-plates-diff parameter. The lower the value, the more likely it is that different LP symbols will be considered the same. 0.000…1.000 0.8
brand-model-score Lower threshold for assessing the accuracy of vehicle model recognition. If the score is lower, then these recognition results are not considered. 0.000…1.000 0.5
license-plate-score The lower threshold of the accuracy of recognition of the LP. 0.000…1.000 0.2
vehicle-type-score The lower threshold for evaluating the accuracy of vehicle type recognition. 0.000…1.000 0.8
Logging (results-logging)
enable-logging Enable logging. - true – on. false
- false – off.
log-dir Path to the recognition results log directory relative to the root folder. - ./logs/
max-log-file-size Maximum file size in megabytes of the recognition results log. 10...256 10
bestshots-dir Path to the best frames directory relative to the root folder. - ./bestshots/
mergeTracks/ Combining tracks with the same LP. - false – do not merge tracks.. false
WithIdentical/LPs - true – merge tracks
Logging modes CARS Stream (logging)
severity List of logged information that needs to be logged. - 0 – log warnings and errors, 2
- 1 – log system warnings,
- 2 – log only errors.
mode Logging mode. - l2c – show information only to the console, l2f
- l2f – show information only to a file,
- l2b - show information to both file and console.
Debug mode (debug)
show-window Displaying the stream from the video camera on the screen with the results of the detector operation displayed on it. - false – off. false
- true – on.
frames-per-second The maximum number of frames per second to output the video stream. 12...60 25
data-lack-notification Show information about the lack of data for the track. For example, when the obtained detection scores are lower than those of the detector thresholds. For detector threshold values see Appendix 4. - false – show info. false
- true – hide info.
Integration with CARS Analytics (analytics_callback)
protocol Protocol for integration with CARS Analytics. Depends on the path in which CARS Analytics is deployed. - http; http
- https.
host IP address of CARS Analytics backend.
port CARS Analytics backend port. 0…65535 8200
use-frontend-proxy Method for sending new events. - 0 – Sending events via CARS Analytics backend; 0
- 1 – Sending events via CARS Analytics frontend.
logging Logging the function of sending data to CARS Analytics. - 0 – hide info; 0
- 1 – show info.
Health working check (health_check)
max-error-count Limit of errors when reading the frame source for a specified period. If the limit is exceeded, CARS Stream closes the source and stops receiving frames from it 1...1000 200
period The period (in seconds) for the max-error-count parameter 1...3600 60
retry-delay The time after which an attempt will be made to reopen the source to receive frames if the error limit for the period is exceeded (in seconds) 1...1000 5