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Appendix 5. Description of the parameters of the configuration file «runtime.conf»#

Parameter Description Possible values Default values Editing recommendation
cpuClass Type of CPU architecture for operation of vehicle and LP detectors. - auto - set automatically auto
- cpu – use CPU
- avx – use AVX2 CPU module
deviceClass Type of architecture for the operation of detectors. - cpu - Use CPU cpu
- gpu - Use GPU (cpuClass must be set to auto)
numThreads The number of threads on which the detector runs when using the CPU. "-1" value sets the auto-mode for determining the number of threads. 1...64 -1
verboseLogging The level of logging of the work of neural networks. - 0 – logging off; 0
- 1 – logging errors;
- 2 – logging warnings;
- 3 – logging information;
- 4 – logging debug information;
- 5 – logging all.
numComputeStreams The number of allocated CUDA threads to run on the GPU architecture. 1...64 4
programCacheSize Maximum number of program objects in the Flower cache. 1...9999 128
defaultGpuDevice The number of the GPU to be used. - -1 – do not use GPU; 0
- 0..N – GPU number.