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Manual Service update#

This section describes the process of migrating to a new version of the Service.

Follow these steps.

Switch to the super user:

sudo su

Place the distribution files in a directory on the server before the installation of a new version of the Service. For example, to the /root directory.

Move the distribution package to the previously created directory (for details see the "Preparing and unpacking the distribution"), or create a new directory if the specified item is missing.

Creating a directory for unpacking the distribution:

mkdir -p /var/lib/clementine

Moving the distribution:

mv /root/clementine_2.23.0 /var/lib/clementine

Go to the distribution package folder:

cd /var/lib/clementine

Unpack files:


Go to the Docker directory of the current version of the Service:

cd /var/lib/clementine/current/example-docker

Run the command:

docker-compose down

Transfer the settings from the .env configuration file of the previous version of the Service to the new one:

cp /var/lib/clementine/clementine_2.23.0/example-docker/.env /var/lib/clementine/current/example-docker/.env

Go to the distribution package folder:

cd /var/lib/clementine

Create a symbolic link. The link indicates that it is the current version of the distribution package that is used to run:

ln -s clementine_2.23.0 current

Copy the necessary component data (for example, filters.json from the /vlnotifier directory), if any.

cp -f /var/lib/clementine/example-docker/vlnotifier/data/filters.json /var/lib/clementine/current/example-docker/vlnotifier/data/filters.json

Go to the Docker directory of the new version of the Service:

cd /var/lib/clementine/current/example-docker

To start the Service, enter the command:


Check the status of all running Docker-containers:

docker-compose ps

The containers must have the "UP" status:


Delete unused containers:

docker-compose up --no-start --remove-orphans