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Download and installation of the Service#

Registry authorization#

To start services, you need to get their images from (VisionLabs registry). Authorization is required:

docker login --username <username> --password <password>

Enter login <username> and password <password>.

You can get a login and password by contacting VisionLabs specialists.

Downloading a distribution package with a script#

To download LUNA CLEMENTINE 2.0 containers to a computer, a script can be used.

An Internet connection is required to use the script.

The distribution package with a script is an archive of the form “download_script_2.23.0”. The distribution package is an archive of the form “clementine-2.23.0”.

The distribution package with the script can be downloaded on the Service page (“Releases” → “Files” → “Image download script”).

This script is intended for use by VisionLabs staff only. It cannot be given to clients.

Running the script and downloading the Service containers#

Unpack the archive and run the script:

./ -u <username> -p <password>

Once launched, the script downloads the necessary containers from the registry. The images are packed into archives and saved in the images directory, which is created in the directory with the script.

To get help on the script, use the command:

./ -h

Running on a server without access to the Internet#

The following steps are performed on the destination server where the Service is to be installed.

Docker must be installed.

Load all images from the previously obtained images directory. Use the official instructions to download images.

Go to the images directory with the downloaded images on the destination server:

cd <directory with images>

Run the following command to import images:

ls -1 \| xargs --no-run-if-empty -L 1 docker load -i

Configuring and starting the Service#

Configure the Service as described in the LUNA CLEMENTINE 2.0 Administration Manual.

Go to Docker directory:

cd /var/lib/clementine/current/example-docker

To start the Service, enter the command:


Check the status of all running Docker containers:

docker-compose ps