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"Tasks" section#

The “Tasks” section contains two tabs (Figure 62):

  • The “LUNA PLATFORM. Deferred tasks” tab (1) is intended for creating, deleting, and displaying tasks, downloading search results by events and persons. Export to a file is implemented in the Service in the form of a task;
  • The “VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Generated Reports” tab (2) is intended for creating, displaying, and downloading reports on work activity for persons from the control list (for example, company employees).
“Tasks” section
Figure 62. “Tasks” section

"LUNA PLATFORM. Deferred tasks" tab#

The “LUNA PLATFORM. Deferred tasks” tab contains the following elements:

  • task counter (1);
  • “Cross-matching” button — button for creating a task for cross-matching lists of faces;
  • “Export faces” button — button for creating a task to export faces and information on them;
  • “Export events” button — button for creating a task to export events and information on them;
  • “Batch processing” button — button for creating a task for batch processing of photo image archives according to a specific policy;
  • “Batch import” button — button for creating a task for batch import of photo image archive into the list;
  • “Batch identification” — button for creating a task for identifying an archive of photo images of references with candidates (faces or events with faces);
  • “Deleting faces from the list” — button for creating a task for removing persons from the selected list;
  • table of tasks:
  • “ID” — task identifier;
  • “Description” — user who created the task;
  • “Type” — task type (cross-matching, export, batch processing, batch import, batch identification);
  • “Date created” — date and time of task creation;
  • “Expiration date” — date and time of completion of the task;
  • “Status” — task progress state. The status changes during the task execution. In total, 4 statuses are applied to tasks in the Service:
    • — task is being performed;
    • “Collecting results” — collecting the results of the task;
    • — task completed;
    • — an error occurred while executing a task.;
  • — button for downloading the result of the task (3);
  • — button for deleting a task (4);
  • the number of tasks displayed on the page is set by the switch in the lower right corner of the page. There can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 tasks in total on one page (5).

The process of creating tasks and the values of the specified parameters are described below. If you need to go back to the task list page during creating a task, press the Esc key on your keyboard.

Configure notifications about task status using the "callbacks" functionality. Notifications will be sent to the external system at the specified URL. The notification settings block opens after filling in the required fields to create a task (Table 27).

Table 27. Notification settings in the task creation form



Default value

Add callback


Protocol type when creating a notification. Users can receive notifications in the interface via http and Telegram



Address of the external system where the notification will be sent


Authorization type

Selecting the type of authorization into an external system and setting up authorization data.

The basic type of authorization requires specifying login and password to enter an external system


Timeout (seconds)

Maximum time to wait for a request to complete


Request body format

Data interchange format: JSON or MessagePack


HTTP Headers

HTTP Request Headers


Creating a cross-matching task#

To create a task for cross-matching lists of faces, click on the “Cross-matching” button (Figure 62). A general view of the form for creating a cross-matching task is shown below (Figure 63).

Form for creating a cross-matching task
Figure 63. Form for creating a cross-matching task

The “Cross-matching” form contains the following elements:

  • “List” — selection of a list for comparison. Required field;
  • “Find matches in” — selection of a list for comparison. Required field;
  • “The maximum number of similar ones” — maximum number of similar candidates (the default is 3);
  • “Minimum similarity threshold, %” — the lowest score of similarity in percentage between candidates that the Service accepts as a possible match (the default is 50).

Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create task” button (or Enter key on your keyboard)..

Resource-intensive tasks can take a while. In the pop-up window (Figure 64), you must confirm the action — click on the “Ok” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button (Esc key on keyboard)..

Confirmation of the creation of a cross-matching task
Figure 64. Confirmation of the creation of a cross-matching task

After successfully creating a cross-matching task, the message “Task for cross-matching has been created” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 65).

Confirmation of successful creation of a cross-matching task
Figure 65. Confirmation of successful creation of a cross-matching task

Creating an export faces task#

To create a task to export faces and information on them, click on the “Export faces” button (Figure 62). A general view of the form for creating an export task is shown below (Figure 66).

Form for creating an export faces task
Figure 66. Form for creating an export faces task

Description of the parameters of the “Export faces” form is given in Table 28.

Table 28. Export faces task parameters



Default value

Data upload parameters


Specifies the list for export


User data

Indicates face data (up to 128 characters)


Face IDs

Specifies the values of identifiers of faces in LUNA PLATFORM 5 in UUID format


Face external IDs

Specifies the values of third-party external identifiers


Date from

Specifies the lower limit of the period of creation of faces or events in LUNA PLATFORM 5


Date to

Specifies the upper limit of the period of creation of faces or events in LUNA PLATFORM 5


ID of the first face

Specify the values of the identifier of the first face from the exported faces


ID of the last face

Specify the values of the identifier of the last face from the exported faces


Additional parameters

Columns in the report—selecting table columns to be included in the file upon export, and indication the order in which they are located

Face ID

User data

External ID



Event ID









Save face images

Enabling this option allows you to upload face images into the archive with the .csv report


Type of biometric template

Specifies the biometric template of which objects will be exported—faces or bodies


Delimiter for .csv

A special character that will be used in the file with export results to divide text into columns


Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create task” button.

Resource-intensive tasks can take a while. In the pop-up window (Figure 67), you must confirm the action — click on the “Ok” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button (Esc key on keyboard)..

Confirmation of the creation of an export task
Figure 67. Confirmation of the creation of an export task

After successfully creating an export task, the message “Export task has been successfully created” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 68).

Confirmation of successful creation of an export task
Figure 68. Confirmation of successful creation of an export task

Creating an export events task#

To create a task to export objects events and information on them, click on the “Export events” button (Figure 62). A general view of the form for creating an export events task is shown below (Figure 69).

Form for creating an export events task
Figure 69. Form for creating an export events task

Description of the parameters of the “Export events” form is given in Table 29.

Table 29. Export events task parameters



Default value

Data upload parameters

General data about the event


Specifies the name of the event source


Event IDs

Specifies the values of the event identifiers in UUID format for performing an accurate search separated by commas


User data

Indicates face data (up to 128 characters)


Event external IDs

Specifies the values of third-party external identifiers separated by commas


Face IDs

Specifies the values of identifiers of faces in UUID format separated by commas



A value from 0 to 1 is specified



Specifies a tag or tags separated by commas


Handling policies

Specifies policy name, it is possible to specify several values


Date from

Specifies the lower limit of the period of creation of events


Date to

Specifies the upper limit of the period of creation of events


Advanced event filters

End date from

Indicates the lower limit of the event end period


End date to

Indicates the upper limit of the event end period


ID of the first event

Indicate the value of the identifier of the first event from the exported events


ID of the last event

Indicates the value of the identifier of the last event from the exported events


Track IDs

Specifies the values of the track identifiers in the UUID format separated by commas


Face attributes


Specifies male/female gender


Age category

Specifies the age range



Specifies emotions


Medical mask

Detection of the presence/absence of a medical mask, mouth occlusion



Specifies the result of checking for the presence of a living person in the frame

Body attributes

Gender by body

Specifies the female, male, undefined gender


Age category by body

Specifies the age range by body image



Specifies headdress


Upper body colors

Specifies top clothing color



Specifies sleeve length


Headwear color

Specifies headdress color


Lower body colors

Specifies bottom clothing color


Lower body type

Specifies bottom clothing type


Shoes color

Specifies shoe color (only for “Identify among events);


Specifies backpack presence


Best match data

Face IDs

Specifies the values of identifiers of faces 5 in UUID format


Face external IDs

Specifies the values of third-party external identifiers



Name of the label—rule by which the comparison occurred







“House number”;

Advanced geoposition filters

“Longitude (-180…180)”;

“Accuracy (0…90)”;

“Latitude (-90…90)”;

“Accuracy (0…90)”


Add filter by meta

Allows you to fill in a set of blocks to create a filter by the "meta" field. The number of meta filters is unlimited. The following blocks are required to be filled in when creating a filter by meta:

  • Key—the full path to the required meta field connected with events.

  • Value—any valid value for the meta field.

  • Type—selection of the data type stored in this meta field. The data type displays available operators and converts values into the desired data type when sent to the API.

  • Operator—select operators for a given data type from the list. Operator type depends on the selected data type

Additional parameters

Columns in the report—selecting table columns to be included in the file upon export, and indication the order in which parameters are located in the report

Event data

DFace data from the event

Body data from the event

Match data

Geo position






Save face images

Enabling this option allows you to upload face images into the archive with the .csv report


Type of biometric template

Specifies the biometric template of which objects will be exported—faces or bodies


Delimiter for .csv

A special character that will be used in the file with export results to divide text into columns


Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create task” button or the Enter key on your keyboard.

Resource-intensive tasks can take a while. In the pop-up window, confirm the action — click on the “Ok” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button (Esc key on keyboard).

After successfully creating an export task, the message “Export task has been successfully created” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen.

Creating a batch processing task#

The batch processing task allows user to process several photos using a specified policy.

To create a task for batch processing of photo image archives according to a specific policy, click on the “Batch processing” button (Figure 62). The general view of the form for creating a batch processing task is shown below (Figure 70).

Form for creating a batch processing task
Figure 70. Form for creating a batch processing task

By default the “Batch Processing” form contains the following elements:

  • “Data source type” — selection of the source type of the loaded data;
  • “Description” — description of the task;
  • “Handling policy” — selection of a policy. Required field;

The resource can accept five types of sources with images for processing:

  • File;
  • ZIP;
  • S3;
  • Network disk;
  • FTP;
  • Samba.

Additional options appear depending on the selected data source type.

To quickly download a ZIP archive from your local machine without additional options, select “File” as the data source type. Then upload or drag-and-drop the archive with photo images in the field for uploading data.

Download file requirements:

  • *.zip file format;
  • there can be one or more people on the image (depends on policy settings);
  • the image must contain a person's face or body;
  • images must be located immediately inside the archive, and not in a folder inside the archive;
  • the archive size is set using the ARCHIVE_MAX_SIZE parameter in the configuration file of the Tasks component, the default size is 100 GB (for details, see “VisionLabs LUNA PLATFORM 5. Administrator manual”).

When choosing a ZIP archive as image source for the batch processing task, the following parameters can be set:

  • “File URL” — URL address of the archive with images, the default archive size is 100 GB. Required field;
  • “Archive password” — a password for the transferred archive protection;
  • “File key prefix” — a file key prefix that can be used to load images from a specific directory, for example, "2022/January";;
  • “File key postfix” — file key postfix that can be used to upload images with a specific extension;
  • “Whether to estimate images from ZIP archive subdirectories recursively?” switch — allows you to recursively receive images from subdirectories.
  • “Input image type” — selection of the type of image that is input in the batch processing task — "Raw image", "Face warped image", "Body warped image".

When choosing an S3-like storage as an image source for the batch processing task, the following parameters can be set:

  • “Storage endpoint” — only when specifying the bucket name;
  • “Bucket name” — Access Point ARN / Outpost ARN. Required field;
  • “File key prefix” — file key prefix. It can be used to load images from a specific folder, such as "2022/January";
  • “Bucket region” — only when specifying the bucket name;
  • “Public access key” — public key for setting up authorization. Required field;
  • “Secret access key” — secret key for setting up authorization. Required field;
  • “Signature version” — signature "s3v2" / "s3v4";
  • “Whether to estimate images from bucket subdirectories recursively?” — possibility to recursively download images from nested bucket folders;
  • “Whether to save image origin?” — saving original images in the LUNA PLATFORM 5 database.

It is also possible to select the type of transferred images. For more information about working with S3-like repositories, see AWS User Guide.

When choosing a network disk as an image source for the batch processing task, the following parameters can be set:

  • “Path to directory with images” — absolute path to the directory with images in the container. Required field;
  • “File key prefix” — a file key prefix that can be used to load images from a specific directory;
  • “File key postfix” — file key postfix that can be used to upload images with a specific extension;
  • “Whether follow file system links?” — enable/disable of symbolic links processing.

As in the batch processing task using S3-like storage as image source, it is possible to recursively receive images from nested directories, and to select the type of transferred images.

When choosing a FTP server as an image source for the batch processing task, the following parameters can be set:

  • “Server host” — FTP server IP address or hostname. Required field;
  • “Port” — FTP server port;
  • “FTP sessions” — maximum number of allowed sessions on the FTP server;
  • “Server user” and “Server password” — authorization parameters.

As in the batch processing task using network disk as image source, it is possible to set the path to the directory with images, recursively receive images from nested directories, select the type of transferred images, and specify the prefix and postfix.

When choosing a Samba as an image source for the batch processing task, the parameters are similar to those of an FTP server, except for the "max_sessions" parameter. Also, if authorization data is not specified, the connection to Samba will be performed as a guest.

Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create task” button or the Enter key on your keyboard. Resource-intensive tasks can take a while. In the pop-up window (Figure 71), you must confirm the action — click on the “Ok” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button.

Confirmation of the creation of a batch processing task
Figure 71. Confirmation of the creation of a batch processing task

After successfully creating a batch processing task, the message “Batch processing task has been successfully created” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 72).

Confirmation of successful creation of a batch processing task
Figure 72. Confirmation of successful creation of a batch processing task

Creating a batch import task#

The batch import task allows you to batch import faces from photos into a specified list.

To create a task for batch import of photo image archive into the list, click on the “Batch import” button (Figure 62). The general view of the form for creating a batch import task is shown below (Figure 73).

Form for creating a batch import task
Figure 73. Form for creating a batch import task

The “Batch import” form contains the following elements:

  • field for uploading an archive with photographs* — it is possible to upload archives in *.ZIP format (required);
  • “List” — selection of a list. Required field;
  • “Add a photo to the list only if it complies with the ISO/IEC standard” — the photo will be added to the list only after passing the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 verification.
  • — button for deleting the loaded archive — button for deleting the loaded archive.

Download file requirements:

  • *.ZIP file format;
  • there can be one or more people on the image (depends on policy settings);
  • the image must contain a person's face;
  • images must be located immediately inside the archive, and not in a folder inside the archive;
  • the archive size is set using the ARCHIVE_MAX_SIZE parameter in the configuration file of the Tasks component, the default size is 100 GB (for details, see “VisionLabs LUNA PLATFORM 5. Administrator manual”).

Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create task” button or the Enter key on your keyboard.

Resource-intensive tasks can take a while. In the pop-up window (Figure 74), you must confirm the action — click on the “Ok” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button.

Confirmation of the creation of a batch import task
Figure 74. Confirmation of the creation of a batch import task

After successfully creating a batch import task, the message “Batch import task has been successfully created” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 75).

Confirmation of successful creation of a batch import task
Figure 75. Confirmation of successful creation of a batch import task

Creating a batch identification task#

To create a task for identifying an archive of photo images (faces or events with faces), click on the “Batch identification” button (Figure 62). The general view of the form for creating a batch identification task is shown below (Figure 76).

Form for creating a batch identification task
Figure 76. Form for creating a batch identification task

The “Batch Identification” form contains the following elements:

  • field for uploading an archive with photographs in *.ZIP format (required);
  • —button for deleting the loaded archive;
  • “Identify among”—look for matches among “Faces” or “Events”;
  • “Filters” block—settings for user identification. A description of the parameters of the “Filters” block, depending on the selected object for identification, is presented in the tables (Table 30 and Table 31);
  • “Additional filter parameters” block—general parameters for identification among faces and events:
  • “Similarity threshold, %”—the lowest percentage similarity score between candidates that the Service accepts as a possible match (default: 80).
  • “Number of records (from 1 to 100)”—the number of lines with matches with a limit of 100 lines (default: 3).

Table 30. “Filters” block parameters of the batch identification task when searching for a match among faces




List name

Comma-separated Face IDs

Face ID from the list

User data

Information linked to the person from the database

Comma-separated external face IDs

External ID of persons face

Date from

Specifies the lower limit of the period of creation of faces or events in LUNA PLATFORM 5

Date to

Specifies the upper limit of the period of creation of faces or events in LUNA PLATFORM 5

Table 31. “Filters” block parameters of the batch identification task when searching for a match among events




List of available event sources

User data

Information linked to the person from the database

Age category

Age group:

below 18;

from 18 to 44;

from 45 to 60;

above 60




Not estimated









Its possibly to select multiple emotions.

Medical mask

Detection of the presence/absence of a medical mask or mouth occlusion.


Medical mask;


Its possibly to select multiple variants.

Creation date from

Specifies the lower limit of the period of creation of faces or events in LUNA PLATFORM 5

Creation date to

Specifies the upper limit of the period of creation of faces or events in LUNA PLATFORM 5

Comma-separated event IDs

Event ID of detection and attribute retrieval

Comma-separated external event IDs

External event ID

Comma-separated Face IDs

Face ID from events that are created in LUNA PLATFORM 5 as a result of a detection event and attribute extraction


The lower threshold on the similarity if the person was identified

Handling policies

Handling Policy ID

Comma-separated track IDs

Specifies the values of the track identifiers in LUNA PLATFORM 5 in the UUID format

Comma-separated tags

Specifies a tag or tags

Gender by body





Specifies headdress


Specifies sleeve length

Lower body colors

Specifies bottom clothing color

Shoes color

Specifies shoe color (only for “Identify among events);

Age category by body

Specifies the age range

below 18;

from 18 to 44;

from 45 to 60;

above 60

Upper body colors

Specifies top clothing color

Headwear color

Specifies headdress color

Lower body type

Specifies bottom clothing type


Specifies backpack presence






“House number”;

“Longitude (-180…180)”;

“Accuracy (0…90)”;

“Latitude (-90…90)”;

“Accuracy (0…90)”

To upload an archive with photo images of faces to be identified, click on in the “References” section and specify the path to the archive on the local computer.

Download file requirements:

  • *.ZIP file format;
  • there can be one or more people on the image (depends on policy settings);
  • the image must contain a person's face;
  • images must be located immediately inside the archive, and not in a folder inside the archive;
  • the archive size is set using the ARCHIVE_MAX_SIZE parameter in the configuration file of the Tasks component, the default size is 100 GB (for details, see “VisionLabs LUNA PLATFORM 5. Administrator manual”).

Fill in all the necessary parameters and click the “Create task” button or the Enter key on your keyboard..

Resource-intensive tasks can take a while. In the pop-up window (Figure 77), you must confirm the action — click on the “Ok” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button.

Confirmation of the creation of a batch identification task
Figure 77. Confirmation of the creation of a batch identification task

After successfully creating a batch identification task, the message “Batch identification task has been successfully created” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 78).

Confirmation of successful creation of a batch identification task
Figure 78. Confirmation of successful creation of a batch identification task

Creating a task for deleting faces from the list#

The task of removing persons from the list (Cleanup task) allows you to select faces based on specific parameters and then remove them from the selected list.

To create a Cleanup task, click on the “Deleting faces from the list” button (Figure 62). The general view of the window for creating a task for batch import is shown below (Figure 79).

Window for creating a “Deleting faces from the list” task
Figure 79. Window for creating a “Deleting faces from the list” task

The “Deleting faces from the list” window contains the following elements:

  • “Description”—a field for adding an explanatory note to the task;
  • “Store results” checkbox—if enabled, the results of the task will be saved in the Image Store service storage.
  • “Delete samples” checkbox—if enabled, wrapped images obtained after detecting faces from the list will be deleted;
  • “List”—select a list from which faces will be removed. Required field;
  • “Information”—a field for specifying information about persons from the list. Allows you to remove only a few people from the list, for example, those for whom the same information is provided.
  • “Delete data after”—the lower included threshold value of the face creation time;
  • “Delete data before”—the upper excluded threshold value of the face creation time.

Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create task” button or the Enter key on your keyboard.

Resource-intensive tasks may take some time to complete. Confirm the action in the pop-up window—click the “Ok” button or cancel the action using the “Cancel” button (Figure 80).

Confirmation of creating a “Deleting faces from the list” task
Figure 80. Confirmation of creating a “Deleting faces from the list” task

After successfully creating a task for removing persons from the list, the message “Cleanup task has been successfully created” appears on the screen (Figure 81).

Confirmation of successful creation of the “Deleting faces from the list” task
Figure 81. Confirmation of successful creation of the “Deleting faces from the list” task

Viewing the results of a task#

Viewing the results of a task is performed by pressing the button in the line (3 in the Figure 62). For viewing the *.ZIP archive for export tasks, the *.csv file for cross-matching tasks, the *.json file for batch processing, batch import and batch identification tasks (where * is the task ID) will be loaded.

The downloaded *.csv file contains a table with the export parameters selected in "Creating an export task" section (Figure 82) or with the results of cross-matching (Figure 83).

Export results table
Figure 82. Export results table
Cross-matching results table
Figure 83. Cross-matching results table

Task deleting#

Deleting a task is performed by clicking the button in the line (4 in the Figure 62).

In the pop-up window (Figure 84), you must confirm the action — click on the “Delete” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button. After the successful deletion, a corresponding notification appears.

Confirmation of deletion of the task
Figure 84. Confirmation of deletion of the task

"VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Reports" tab#

The “VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Reports” tab is displayed in the interface only if there is a connection to the VL TimeTracker component (connection setup is described in the LUNA CLEMENTINE 2.0 Administration manual).

In the “VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Reports” tab, you can create three types of reports:

  • “Clock in” — the first recorded event per day for each person from the control list;
  • “Clock out” — the last recorded event per day for each person from the control list;
  • “Activity tracking” — the first and last recorded event per day for each person from the control list, number of events during working hours and number of working hours.

The general view of the “VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Reports” tab is shown below (Figure 85).

The “VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Reports” tab
Figure 85. The “VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Reports” tab

The “VL Timetracker. Time tracking. Reports” tab contains the following elements:

  • task counter (1);
  • “Clock in” button — button for creating clock in reports;
  • “Clock out” button — button for creating clock out reports;
  • “Activity tracking” button — button for creating reports on work activity;
  • table of reports:
  • “Author” — user who created the report;
  • “Type” — report type (“Clock in”, “Clock out”, “Activity tracking”);
  • “Policy name” — the name of the used policy;
  • “Date” — date and time of report creation;
  • “Status” — status of the report creation process;
  • — button for downloading the report (2);
  • The number of reports displayed on the page is set by the switch in the lower right corner of the page. There can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 reports in total on one page (3).

In the process of creating a report, the status changes. In total, two statuses are applied to reports in the Service:

  • — an error occurred while creating the report;
  • — the report has been created.

Creating a clock in report#

To create a report on clock ins, click on the “Clock in” button (Figure 85).

The general view of the form for creating clock in report is shown below (Figure 86).

Form for creating clock in report
Figure 86. Form for creating clock in report

“Clock in” form contains the following elements:

  • “Handling policy” — policy selection. Required field;
  • “Creation date from” — the lower limit of the period of creation of events in LP5. Required field;
  • “Creation date to” — the upper limit of the period of creation of events in LP5. Required field;
  • “List” — list selection. Required field;
  • “Source” — event source selection. Required field;
  • “Medical mask” — specifies the detection of the presence/absence of a medical mask;
  • “Create report” button — button for creating a report;
  • “Reset” button — button for resetting the set parameters.

Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create report” button.

After the successful formation of a request to create a report, the message “Report is being generated” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 87).

Confirmation of the formation of a request to create a report
Figure 87. Confirmation of the formation of a request to create a report

Creating a clock out report#

To create a report on clock outs, click on the “Clock out” button (Figure 85).

The general view of the form for creating clock out report is shown below (Figure 88).

Form for creating clock out report
Figure 88. Form for creating clock out report

“Clock out” form contains the following elements:

  • “Handling policy” — policy selection. Required field;
  • “Creation date from” — the lower limit of the period of creation of events in LP5. Required field;
  • “Creation date to” — the upper limit of the period of creation of events in LP5. Required field;
  • “List” — list selection. Required field;
  • “Source” — source selection. Required field;
  • “Medical mask” — specifies the detection of the presence/absence of a medical mask;
  • “Create report” button — button for creating a report;
  • “Reset” button — button for resetting the set parameters.

Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create report” button.

After the successful formation of a request to create a report, the message “Report is being generated” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 87).

Creating a work activity report#

To create a report on work activity, click on the “Activity tracking” button (Figure 85).

The general view of the form for creating work activity report is shown below (Figure 89).

Form for creating work activity report
Figure 89. Form for creating work activity report

“Activity tracking” form contains the following elements:

  • “Handling policy” — policy selection. Required field;
  • “Creation date from” — the lower limit of the period of creation of events in LP5. Required field;
  • “Creation date to” — the upper limit of the period of creation of events in LP5. Required field;
  • “List” — list selection. Required field;
  • “Source” — source selection. Required field;
  • “Number of clock ins” — minimum number of clock ins for a person;
  • “Create report” button — button for creating a report;
  • “Reset” button — button for resetting the set parameters.

Fill in all the required parameters and click on the “Create report” button.

After the successful formation of a request to create a report, the message “Report is being generated” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen (Figure 87).

Viewing a report#

Downloading and viewing the report is performed by pressing the button in the line (2 in the Figure 85). A *.csv file will be loaded (where * is the date and time of creation, the type of report).

The downloaded *.csv file contains a table with the results of the report creation (Figure 90).

Work activity report
Figure 90. Work activity report