LUNA CLEMENTINE 2.0 is a web service that provides user interaction with LUNA PLATFORM 5 for operating with events and lists.
LUNA CLEMENTINE 2.0 allows the user to capture and view events according to a customized policy. For example, when identifying persons using control lists, user can search among events for a certain period of time by various attributes and photographic image of a person.
The main functions of LUNA CLEMENTINE 2.0 are presented below:
- display detection and object recognition events (faces, bodies);
- display information about the temperature of a person, filter events by temperature;
- search through the archive of events;
- create, view and edit face cards containing information about a person’s face;
- create, view and edit lists;
- identify faces, bodies and uploaded photo images by lists;
- face and body verification;
- display information about event sources;
- view event sources video stream;
- connect and configure sources of video streams;
- bind users and event sources to departments;
- create and configure handling policies;
- verification of compliance of the photo with the requirements of biometric standards;
- create tasks (cross-matching of lists, export of faces, bodies and events, batch processing of photo images, batch import of photo images, batch identification of photo images, batch deleting faces from the list);
- show static data about events;
- evaluate uploaded photo images for Liveness, DeepFake, compliance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard, ICAO standard, biometric standards;
- track person’s work activity and attendance;
- manage user accounts;
- send notifications to Telegram;
- show information about the status of connected components and systems;
- show information information about available licenses;
- show information information about plugins imported into LUNA PLATFORM 5.