Installation instructions

LunaWeb.framework is distributed as part of the Luna SDK.

LunaWeb implements requests to the Luna API and provides 2 public services:

  • APIv4
  • APIv6

Luna SDK Build (if supplied with source code)

  • Install Xcode version 12.x (if not installed)
  • Start Terminal and go to the directory with the lunasdk-ios project
  • Run the script with the command sh
  • At the end of the building process, the directory LUNA_SDK will open in which all the assembled frameworks are located

LunaWeb Integration

  • Open the LUNA_SDK folder and drag LunaWeb.framework and LunaCore.framework into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content group of your project (make sure the frameworks are marked as Embed & Sign)


  • Import the module LunaWeb
  • Initialize the main object of the required api version (APIv4, APIv6)
import LunaWeb

let api = APIv6(lunaAccountID: "UUID 4", lunaServerURL: lunaURL)

let faceIDs = ["Face id"]
let query = PerformVerificationQuery(data: bestShotData, faceIDs: faceIDs)

api.verifiers.performVerification(verifierID: "VerifierID", query, query, handler: { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let response):
        // process response
    case .failure(let error):
        // process error