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Status codes and errors#

LUNA ID responds with status codes and error messages to let you know how things are going.

LUNA ID for Android#

LUNA ID initialization exceptions#

Exception Description
TRACK_ENGINE_CONFIG_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create the TrackEngine configuration file.
TRACK_ENGINE_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create TrackEngine.
MASK_ESTIMATOR_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create MedicalMaskEstimator.
QUALITY_ESTIMATOR_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create QualityEstimator.
GLASSES_ESTIMATOR_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create GlassesEstimator.
BESTSHOT_OBSERVER_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create a best shot observer.
FACE_ENGINE_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create FaceEngine.
LICENSE_PROVIDER_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create a license provider.
CACHE_PROVIDER_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create a cache provider.
LICENSE_FETCH_FAILED Failed to fetch the LUNA ID license.
LICENSE_ACTIVATION_FAILED Failed to activate the LUNA ID license.
WARPER_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create a warper.
FACE_DETECTOR_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create a face detector.
EYE_ESTIMATOR_CREATION_FAILED Failed to create EyeEstimator.

OneShotLiveness estimation status codes#

Code Status Description
200 Success. The OneShotLiveness estimation request has reached the server and the server was able to process it.
400 Bad request. The server cannot process the OneShotLiveness estimation request due to a client error.
403 Forbidden. The server understands the OneShotLiveness estimation request but refuses to authorize it due to an error on the client side.
408 Request payload too large. The server is unable to process the OneShotLiveness estimation request due to an error on the server side.
413 Service did not process the request within the specified period. The OneShotLiveness estimation request payload exceeds the maximum size limit defined by the server.
500 Internal server error. The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the OneShotLiveness estimation request.
503 Service did not process the request within the specified period. The server is currently unable to handle the OneShotLiveness estimation request due to maintenance or an overload of requests.
504 Server timeout error. The server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server that it needed to complete the OneShotLiveness estimation request.

Best shot estimation errors#

Error Description
BadEyesStatus Eyes in the frame are occluded or closed. For details, see Eye state.
BadHeadPose Head rotation angles are not in the specified range. For details, see Head pose.
BadQuality Image quality is low. For details, see Image quality estimation.
BlurredFace A face in the frame is blurred. For details, see Image quality estimation.
FaceLost A face that has been tracked disappeared from the frame.
FaceOutOfFrame A face is too close to the camera and does not fit the face recognition area.
GlassesOn Eyes in the frame are occluded with glasses. For details, see Eye occlusion.
OccludedFace A face in the frame is occluded. For details, see Face occlusion.
PrimaryFaceLost The primary face has disappeared from the frame and another face has appeared.
TooDark The image is underexposed, that is, too dark. For details, see Image quality estimation.
TooManyFaces The frame has more than one face.
TooMuchLight The image is overexposed, that is, too light. For details, see Image quality estimation.

LUNA ID for iOS#

LunaCore initialization errors#

The below status codes apply to LUNA ID for iOS.

Code Error message Description
1000 LunaCore module initialization error. The LunaCore module failed to initialize.
1001 Bad quality. The input image does not meet image quality thresholds.
1002 The user’s head is turned too much. Head rotation angles are not between the minimal and maximum valid head position values.
1003 Multiple faces were detected in the frame. The frame must contain only one face for LUNA ID to perform a series of estimations, and then select the best shot.
1004 Liveness check has not been passed. OneShotLiveness estimation failed.
1006 Need to blink. A Dynamic Liveness estimation interaction error.
1007 Interaction timeout. The frame was not received in the time interval allotted for the best shot.
1008 Medical mask is on the face. The person in the input image is currently wearing a medical mask on the face.
1009 Mask is not on the right place. The mask is not covering the right areas on the person's face.
1010 Face is occluded by something. The face is not properly visible in the input image.
1011 The image is blurred. The input image does not meet the blurriness threshold.
1012 The image is underexposed (i.e., too dark). The input image does not meet the darkness threshold.
1013 The image is overexposed (i.e., too light). The input image does not meet the lightness threshold.
1014 The face in the image is illuminated unevenly (there is a great difference between light and dark regions). The input image does not meet the illumination threshold.
1015 Image contains flares on face (too specular). The input image does not meet the specularity threshold.
1016 The face is too far. The bounding box size with the detected face does not correspond to the specified size.
1017 The face overlaps borders. The bounding box size with the detected face does not correspond to the specified size.
1024 Please take off your sunglasses. The person in the input image is wearing sunglasses.
1025 License check failed. LUNA ID failed to check the license. To use LUNA ID, you must have a valid license.
1027 The face is lost. Please return the original face back to frame. The primary face that was detected in the video stream has been lost. A video recording will be forcibly terminated.