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Tracking face identity#

In LUNA ID, you can track a face identity of the face detected in a video stream during the entire session. This helps you avoid security issues and make sure that the detected face belongs to one person.

In LUNA ID for Android#

To implement face identity tracking, use the LunaConfig.usePrimaryFaceTracking and LunaConfig.faceSimilarityThreshold parameters.

Parameter Description Default value
usePrimaryFaceTracking Determines whether to track the face that was detected in the face recognition area first.
Requires the lunaid-cnn59-1X.X.X.aar dependency. For details, see Distribution kit.
faceSimilarityThreshold Determines whether the face that was first detected in the face recognition area remains the same. 0,5

In LUNA ID for iOS#

To implement face identity tracking, set the LCLunaConfiguration.trackFaceIdentity property to true. By default, the parameter value is false.