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Sending multiple frames for estimation aggregation to the backend#

In LUNA ID, you can send multiple frames to the backend for aggregation. This capability is essential for certain resource-intensive estimations performed in LUNA PLATFORM 5, such as DeepFake Detection and OneShotLiveness.

In LUNA ID for Android#

Getting multiple frames#

To enable the acquisition of multiple frames:

1․ Set the multipartBestShotsEnabled parameter of LunaConfig to true.

2․ Specify the number of best shots to be returned by setting the LunaConfig.bestShotsCount parameter. The valid range of values ​​for bestShotsCount is from 1 to 10.

3․ Get the list of best shots using the bestShots: List<BestShot>? field of the data class FinishSuccessData class:

data class FinishSuccessData(
    val bestShot: BestShot,
    val bestShots: List<BestShot>?,
    val videoPath: String?

Important: If multipartBestShotsEnabled is set to false, the bestShots field will be returned as null.

Implementing online aggregation#

To implement online aggregation for resource-intensive estimations:

1․ Use the apiEventsStaticHandler method of the ApiHuman class.

fun apiEventsStaticHandler(
    query: StaticEventRequest,
    consumer: Consumer<Result<EventGenerateResponse>>,

The method generates and sends an HTTP request that returns the EventGenerateResponse object. This object contains information about aggregated DeepFake and OneShotLiveness estimations.

2․ Use the StaticEventRequest class, which represents a request model:

class StaticEventRequest(
    override val handlerId: String,
    override val extraHeaders: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
    override val externalId: String? = null,
    override val userData: String? = null,
    override val imageType: Int? = null,
    override val aggregateAttributes: Int? = null,
    override val source: String? = null,
    override val tags: List<String>? = null,
    override val trackId: String? = null,
    override val useExifInfo: Int? = null,
    val requestBody: RequestBody
) : AbsEventRequest(

3․ Get results of aggregated estimations with the data class EventGenerateResponse object:

// Getting the aggregated OneShotLiveness estimation

// Getting the aggregated DeepFake estimation

In LUNA ID for iOS#

Getting multiple frames#

To enable multiple frame acquisition:

1․ Set the multipartBestShotsEnabled to true. You will receive several best shots instead of one through the following method:

func multipartBestShots(_ bestShots: [LCBestShot], _ videoFile: String?)

Note that the method previously used to get a single best shot will no longer be called:

func bestShot(_ bestShot: LunaCore.LCBestShot, _ videoFile: String?)

2․ Specify the number of best shots to be returned by setting the numberOfBestShots parameter.

Getting aggregated data#

To obtain aggregated OneShotLiveness and DeepFake estimation data, execute the following query:

generateEvents(handlerID: String, query: EventQuery, handler: @escaping (Result<EventsResponse, Error>) -> Void)

Query parameters:

Parameter Description
handlerID Your custom handler.
query An array of received images. Set the following values:
  • imageType = .rawImage
  • aggregateAttributes = true
  • The aggregated data will be available in the aggregateEstimations section in the query response.