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What's new in LUNA ID v.1.15.0#

Below are the changes made to LUNA ID v.1.15.0 relative to the previous version of the product. For information on the changes made to other versions, see Version History

In LUNA ID for Android#

New features and improvements#

  • Implemented an opportunity to receive frames of Dynamic Liveness estimation interactions. You can then integrate these interaction frames into your final app reports. For details, see Getting Dynamic Liveness estimation results.
  • Added parameters eyesAggregationEnabled and glassesAggregationEnabled to disable and enable aggregation of eye status and glasses estimations, respectively. For details, please refer to the LUNA ID documentation.
  • Enhanced logging. Logs now show the start and end of AGS, medical mask, and glasses estimations.

Bug fixes#

  • Fixed an issue related to the virtual camera usage check.
  • Fixed a bug due to which LUNA ID was prematurely throwing the FaceLost error when exiting a frame without waiting for the set capture time.
  • Fixed a bug that lead to the camera hanging.
  • Fixed an issue related to duplicate class names between obfuscated libraries in LUNA ID v.1.14.0.
  • Fixed a bug related to Dynamic Liveness interactions via head rotation.

In LUNA ID for iOS#

New features and improvements#

  • Enhanced the aggregation mechanism:
    • Added aggregations for mouth and medical mask estimations.
    • Implemented a concurrent run of all aggregations instead of a sequential one.
  • Implemented an opportunity to receive frames of Dynamic Liveness estimation interactions. You can then integrate these interaction frames into your final app reports. For details, see Getting Dynamic Liveness estimation results.

Bug fixes#

  • Fixed a bug that used a significant delay in the camera screen initialization.
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect messages when performing mouth and medical mask estimations.
  • Fixed a bug related to Dynamic Liveness interaction messages.
  • Fixed issues that caused occasional LUNA ID crashes.
  • Fixed a bug related to the aggregation mechanism.