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Face detection bounding box size estimation#

The face detection bounding box size estimation ensures that the detected face's bounding box matches a specified size. This estimation helps determine if the subject is too far from the camera, affecting image quality.

The minimum recommended size for the face bounding box is 200 x 200 pixels.

Default values#

  • LUNA ID for iOS: 200 pixels
  • LUNA ID for Android: 350 dp (density-independent pixels)
    > If the converted pixel value is less than 100 pixels, the frame size will automatically be set to 100 pixels to maintain a minimum acceptable quality.

Configuration details#

Below are the configuration details for setting the minimum detectable frame size:

Platform Configuration
LUNA ID for Android public const val DEFAULT_MIN_DETECT_FRAME_SIZE: Int = 350
LUNA ID for iOS LCLunaConfiguration → bestShotConfiguration → minDetSize = 200;


Platform Implementation
LUNA ID for Android public val detectFrameSize: Int = DEFAULT_MIN_DETECT_FRAME_SIZE
LUNA ID for iOS @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger minDetSize;