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Frame edges offset#

The frame edges offset estimation calculates the distance from the detected face's bounding box to the edges of the image.

Minimal border distance#

  • Without OneShotLiveness Estimation: The minimal border distance for best shot estimation is 0 pixels. This means the face can be right at the edge of the frame.
  • With OneShotLiveness Estimation: The minimal border distance increases to 10 pixels to ensure sufficient space around the face for accurate OneShotLiveness estimation.

Default values#

  • LUNA ID for Android : The default value is set to 0 pixels.
  • LUNA ID for iOS : The default value is set to 10 pixels.


Platform Implementation
LUNA ID for Android public val borderDistance: Int = DEFAULT_BORDER_DISTANCE
LUNA ID for iOS @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger borderDistance;