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Medical mask estimation#

The medical mask estimation determines whether the face in a frame is partially covered by a medical mask. This feature allows you to define whether such frames can still be considered as best shots. For details, see Getting the best shot with an occluded face.

Dependency on mouth estimation#

The medical mask estimation is performed before the mouth estimation. If the medical mask estimation fails (that is, a mask is detected), the mouth estimation will not be conducted.

Error handling#

  • LUNA ID for Android: Returns the OccludedFace error message.
  • LUNA ID for iOS: Returns one of the following error codes: 1008, 1009, or 1010.


Platform Implementation
LUNA ID for Android public val acceptOccludedFaces: Boolean = true
LUNA ID for iOS @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL occludeCheck;

Additional notes#

  • LUNA ID for Android: By default, acceptOccludedFaces is set to true, allowing frames with occluded faces to be considered as potential best shots. Adjust this setting based on your specific requirements.
  • LUNA ID for iOS: The occludeCheck parameter controls whether the system should check for occluded faces. Setting it to false disables this estimation, while setting it to true enables it. Ensure that you adjust this parameter according to your application's needs.