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Getting Dynamic Liveness estimation results#

Dynamic Liveness estimation verifies the authenticity of a user's identity through real-time interactions. This document outlines how to capture and integrate interaction frames into your application results, ensuring comprehensive reporting.

In LUNA ID for Android#

  1. Enable interaction frame saving
    Set the savingInteractionFrames parameter to true. By default, the parameter is set to false.
  2. Capture interaction frames
    Capture frames when specific statuses (HEADTRACK_STATE_IN_PROGRESS_BACKWARD or INTERACTION_EYES_CLOSED) are achieved.
  3. Store and pass interaction frames
    Store the captured frames in the interactionFrames list and pass them to the result object.
  4. Generate report
    Use the captured frames and their corresponding interaction types to generate a detailed report within your application.

In LUNA ID for iOS#

  1. Enable interaction frame saving
    Implement the func interactionsFinish(with interactionFrames: [LCInteractionFrameInfo]) method in your final application.
  2. Generate report
    Use the captured frames and their corresponding interaction types to generate a detailed report within your application.

The LCInteractionFrameInfo is used to pass information for report generation. It contains data about interaction frames and interaction types:

  • LCInteractionsType - An enumeration that defines the interaction type:
    • LCInteractionsType_Head_left - User interaction via rotating the head to the left along the Y axis.
    • LCInteractionsType_Head_right- User interaction via rotating the head to the right along the Y axis.
    • LCInteractionsType_Head_down - User interaction via pitching the head down along the X axis.
    • LCInteractionsType_Head_up - User interaction via pitching the head up along the X axis.
    • LCInteractionsType_Blink - User interaction via blinking.
  • LCInteractionFrameInfo - A class containing information about the interaction frame:
    • frame - The interaction frame as a UIImage object.
    • interactionsType - The interaction type corresponding to one of the LCInteractionsType values.