Status codes and errors#
LUNA ID responds with status codes and error messages to let you know how things are going.
LUNA ID for Android#
LUNA ID initialization exceptions#
Exception | Description |
Failed to create the TrackEngine configuration file. |
Failed to create TrackEngine. |
Failed to create BestShotQualityEstimator. |
Failed to create LivenessOneShotRGBEstimator. |
Failed to create MedicalMaskEstimator. |
Failed to create QualityEstimator. |
Failed to create GlassesEstimator. |
Failed to create a best shot observer. |
Failed to create FaceEngine. |
Failed to create a license provider. |
Failed to create a cache provider. |
Failed to fetch the LUNA ID license. |
Failed to activate the LUNA ID license. |
Failed to create a warper. |
Failed to create a face detector. |
Failed to create EyeEstimator. |
OneShotLiveness estimation status codes#
Code | Status | Description |
200 | Success. | The OneShotLiveness estimation request has reached the server and the server was able to process it. |
400 | Bad request. | The server cannot process the OneShotLiveness estimation request due to a client error. |
403 | Forbidden. | The server understands the OneShotLiveness estimation request but refuses to authorize it due to an error on the client side. |
408 | Request payload too large. | The server is unable to process the OneShotLiveness estimation request due to an error on the server side. |
413 | Service did not process the request within the specified period. | The OneShotLiveness estimation request payload exceeds the maximum size limit defined by the server. |
500 | Internal server error. | The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the OneShotLiveness estimation request. |
503 | Service did not process the request within the specified period. | The server is currently unable to handle the OneShotLiveness estimation request due to maintenance or an overload of requests. |
504 | Server timeout error. | The server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server that it needed to complete the OneShotLiveness estimation request. |
Best shot estimation errors#
Error | Description |
BadEyesStatus |
Eyes in the frame are occluded or closed. For details, see Eye state estimation. |
BadHeadPose |
Head rotation angles are not in the specified range. For details, see Head pose. |
BadQuality |
Image quality is low. For details, see Image quality estimation. |
BlurredFace |
A face in the frame is blurred. For details, see Image quality estimation. |
FaceLost |
A face that has been tracked disappeared from the frame. |
FaceOutOfFrame |
A face is too close to the camera and does not fit the face recognition area. |
GlassesOn |
Eyes in the frame are occluded with glasses. For details, see Glasses estimation. |
OccludedFace |
A face in the frame is covered with a medical mask. For details, see Medical mask estimation. |
PrimaryFaceLost |
The primary face has disappeared from the frame and another face has appeared. |
TooDark |
The image is underexposed, that is, too dark. For details, see Image quality estimation. |
TooManyFaces |
The frame has more than one face. |
TooMuchLight |
The image is overexposed, that is, too light. For details, see Image quality estimation. |
LUNA ID for iOS#
The below status codes apply to LUNA ID for iOS.
Code | Error message | Description |
1000 | LunaCore initialization error. | The LunaCore module failed to initialize. |
1001 | Low image quality. Check filming conditions. | The input image does not meet image quality thresholds. |
1002 | Wrong head pose. Turn your head towards the camera and keep it straight. | Head rotation angles are not between the minimal and maximum valid head position values. |
1003 | Multiple faces detected. A single face is expected. | The frame must contain only one face for LUNA ID to perform a series of estimations, and then select the best shot. |
1004 | Liveness check failed. | OneShotLiveness estimation failed. |
1006 | Please blink to continue. | A Dynamic Liveness estimation interaction error. |
1007 | Interaction timeout. | The frame was not received in the time interval allotted for the best shot. |
1008 | Face is occluded. Make sure there are no foreign objects covering face. | The person in the input image is currently wearing a medical mask on the face. |
1009 | Face is occluded. Make sure there are no foreign objects covering face. | The mask is not covering the right areas on the person's face. |
1010 | Face is occluded. Make sure there are no foreign objects covering face. | The face is not properly visible in the input image. |
1011 | Bad filming conditions: face is blurred. | The input image does not meet the blurriness threshold. |
1012 | Bad filming conditions: too dark. | The input image does not meet the darkness threshold. |
1013 | Bad filming conditions: too much light. | The input image does not meet the lightness threshold. |
1014 | Bad filming conditions: too dark, too much light, face is blurred. | The input image does not meet the illumination threshold. |
1015 | Bad filming conditions: too dark, too much light, face is blurred. | The input image does not meet the specularity threshold. |
1016 | Face is too far. Move face closer to the camera. | The bounding box size with the detected face does not correspond to the specified size. |
1017 | Face is out of frame or too close to the border. Move face to the center of the frame. | The bounding box size with the detected face does not correspond to the specified size. |
1023 | The face is lost. Please return the original face back to frame. | The primary face that was detected in the video stream has been lost. |
1024 | Please take off your sunglasses. | The person in the input image is wearing sunglasses. |
1025 | License check failed. | LUNA ID failed to check the license. To use LUNA ID, you must have a valid license. |
1027 | Face is lost. Please take a look at camera again. | The primary face that was detected in the video stream has been lost. A video recording will be forcibly terminated. |
1028 | Face was not found. | A face did not appear in the frame within the allotted time interval. |
1029 | Mouth is occluded. Make sure there are no foreign objects covering face. | The mouth is not properly visible in the input image. |