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To integrate LUNA ID with your project and use its features, you need to activate the license.

License activation#

To activate the license:

1) Request Server, EID, and ProductID from VisionLabs. For details, see License parameters.

2) Specify the received parameters in the license.conf file and save the changes.

3) Place the file in the following directories of your project:

  • Android: assets/data/license.conf
  • iOS: fsdk.framework/data/license.conf

The license key will be generated and saved to the specified directory. The license file has a binary format. At the next launch of the product on the same device, the license will be read from this file.

Now you can use LUNA ID.

License parameters#

License parameters and further processing requires the following parameter:

Parameter Description Type Default value Required
Server Activation server URL Value::String Not set Yes
EID Entitlement ID Value::String Not set Yes
ProductID Product ID Value::String Not set Yes
Filename The default name of the file to save the license to after activation. The maximum length of the file name is 64 symbols. We do not recommend that you change this name. Value::String Not set No
ContainerMode If run in container. "Value::Int1" 0 No
ConnectionTimeout The maximum time, in seconds, for the transfer operation to take. Setting the timeout to 0 means that it never times out during transfer. You can't set the parameter to a negative value. The maximum value is 300 seconds. Value::Int1 15 No

Example license file#

Below is a sample content of the "license.conf" file:

<section name="Licensing::Settings">
    <param name="Server" type="Value::String" text=""/>
    <param name="EID" type="Value::String" text=""/>
    <param name="ProductID" type="Value::String" text=""/>
    <param name="Filename" type="Value::String" text="license.dat"/>
    <param name="ContainerMode" type="Value::Int1" x="0"/>
    <param name="ConnectionTimeout" type="Value::Int1" x="15"/>