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System setup#

This section provides general information regarding System setup and logging.

The System allows you to customize the following parameters:

  • General parameters (for more details see. "Appendix 1: General configuration parameters").
  • Image capture parameters (change in the rsengine.conf file);
  • Face detection parameters (change in the rsengine.conf file);
  • Parameters of IOU check execution - check of BBox face intersection on IR and RGB images (change in rsengine.conf file).

Image capture parameters, face detection parameters, and IOU verification parameters are fixed by default and cannot be changed by the user (administrator). Setting of these parameters is performed only by the copyright holder (VisionLabs LLC).

There are other .conf files included in the System distribution. It is not recommended to change parameters in these files, as it may disrupt the System operation. The System can be configured only within the instructions below.

System setup on Windows#

The System is configured through the Windows Registry.

Settings received by the server from the client are saved until the System is restarted.

When configuring the System via the Windows Registry, write the settings in the following path:

\*\* HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ VisionLabs \ RSEServer \*\*

The configuration parameters are described in Table 8 and Table 9.

When changing configuration settings, the new configurations overwrites the previous configurations.

To change parameters in the registry, find the corresponding parameter, make changes and apply them.

System settings on Ubuntu 18.04 x64 and Debian 10 x64#

The System is configured by changing data in the client configuration files in the distribution (server.conf and rsengine.conf).

To apply the client configuration settings, make changes to the server.conf and rsengine.conf files (Table 8, Table 9) and restart RSE Server.

To change parameters, make changes to the appropriate file and apply the changes.


RSE Server entries logs to the console as well as to a Windows log file for collections under Windows.

Log files use the following file naming scheme: server_YYYYYY-MM-DD.log.