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There are 2 types of the system distribution set, which differ in the sources of configuration settings:

  • bundled under Ubuntu 18.04 x64, Debian 10 x64 and Armbian 23 the system uses configuration files that are located in the /client folder. These files are named server.conf and rsengine.conf:
  • server.conf contains the settings for configuring server operation and logging levels;
  • rsengine.conf contains settings of thresholds for performing Liveness checks;
  • the Windows registry is used by default in the distribution set under Windows OS, where the settings for RSE Server and RSEngine libraries are stored after the System installation.

By default there are no configuration files in the /client folder in the Windows distribution, as the recommended method of configuration is through the Windows registry. Request configuration files from VisionLabs if you are using them as a configuration method.

Description of installation on Windows#

RSE Server is installed as a Windows service.

To install the System on Windows, you need to follow the steps below:

License Activation#

It is necessary to specify the license data in the license file parameters.

To do this, specify the appropriate values in the data/license.conf file.

Licensing parameter values are taken from the license letter upon request from a VisionLabs representative.

Table 2. Description of variables in data/license.conf file





License Server Address



Access Authorization Identifier



Product Identifier



The name of the license file. It is not recommended to change



Running the license in a container. The system supports only local license

0 - running in a container

1 - local

Preparing for System Installation#

The installation location of the System is the place where the System distribution kit is located.

To install the System it is necessary to run the batch file InstallService.bat, which is located in the root folder of the distribution kit.

Run InstallService.bat as an administrator.

When installing the System, a directory for logging will be created (the default address is C:\RSE\logs).

Logging levels change in:

  • Windows registry, if the Service is installed on Windows;
  • in server.conf if the Service is installed on Ubuntu 18.04 x64, Debian 10 x64 and Armbian 23.

System Configuration#

Configuration settings can be customized through the Windows Registry.

The System configuration parameters are written to the Windows registry (all values are set by default) and can be edited by the administrator (see the description of parameters in the "Administrator's Guide", Appendix 1).

System Management#

After the installation is complete, you can manage RSE Sever using the services.msc service manager.

The location of RSE Server and *.conf files must not be changed after installation. Otherwise, the System functionality will be impaired.

Troubleshoot metadata sampling issues for RealSense camera sensors#

Windows requires a special registry entry for each unique video device to provide metadata. Metadata, or metadata attributes, refer to additional information provided by the librealsense library and are necessary for proper interaction with RealSense camera sensors.

To activate the functionality related to metadata attributes, the realsense_metadata_win10.ps1 file is included with LUNA KIOSK. A script in the file creates and modifies entries in the Windows registry to ensure that the RealSense camera sensors work correctly. For more information on activating metadata, see librealsense library documentation.

Description of installation on Ubuntu 18.04 x64, Debian 10 x64 and Armbian 23 operating systems#

Use Ansible to install the System on a target machine running Ubuntu 18.04 x64, Debian 10 x64 and Armbian 23. Install ansible in advance:

apt-get install ansible

To check that Ansible was installed correctly, enter the following command:

ansible --version

If the installation is successful, the console will display the Ansible version and other information:

  ansible [core 2.12.4]
    config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
    configured module search path = ['/home/vivek/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
    ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ansible
    ansible collection location = /home/vivek/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
    executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
    python version = 3.8.10 (default, Mar 15 2022, 12:22:08) [GCC 9.4.0]
    jinja version = 2.10.1
    libyaml = True

Pre-action and license activation#

Before running the installation:

  • add addresses (ip or hostname) of target devices to the ansible/hosts file to install the distribution. Each line contains one address.


  • adjust the shared variables and license data (Table 3) in the group_vars/all.yml file for the installation Ansible scripts.

LICENSE_SERVER, LICENSE_EID, LICENSE_PRODUCTID are responsible for licensing of the System–this information is taken from the license letter upon request from a VisionLabs employee

Table 3. Description of variables for Ansible installation scripts in group_var/all.yml file



Possible values


Installation directory. It is not recommended to change the path



System version. The value must match with the name of the archive



Location of the distribution. Absolute or relative path to the RSE Server distribution within the distribution package

../distr/ |


Address of the license server. Request data from Visionlabs



Access License Identifier. Request data from Visionlabs



Product Identifier Request data from Visionlabs



License file name. t is not recommended to change



Run the license in a container. System supports only local license

0–run in container.


System Installation#

The installation location of the System is the path specified in the RSE_HOME variable.

To start the installation process:

  • go to the ansible folder;
  • if the installation is performed on several devices at once (more than one ip address is specified in the host), run the command:
ansible-playbook -I hosts install_rse.yml

During installation, Ansible attempts to connect as the System user (root by default) via the appropriate SSH key pair. If a password is used instead of keys, add the --ask-pass flag to the install command.

  • if the installation is performed locally on one device, run the command:
ansible-playbook -i hosts--connection=local--inventory, install_rse.yml

System Setup#

When starting the RSE Server, the System uses the settings from the server.conf and rsengine.conf configuration files (see "Admin manual", Appendix 1 for a description of the settings).

If you need to change the client configuration settings, make changes in the server.conf and rsengine.conf files and restart the RSE Server.

If the installation is successful, the logs will be written to log files in the default directory ./logs after the System is launched. Change the corresponding path to it in the log-path parameter in the server.conf file.

System Management in Linux#

After the installation is complete, manage RSE Sever using the systemctl command line utility.

To start RSE Sever, run the following command:

systemctl start kiosk

To stop the RSE Sever, run the following command:

systemctl stop kiosk

Offline license activation#

Offline activation is performed when there is no Internet access on the device on which the license is to be activated. In this case, your device fingerprint is used and the license is activated on any other device with Internet access.

Request the license server address and EID from VisionLabs staff.

On the device on which the license is to be activated

1․ Open the license.conf file in the data directory, enter the EID and save the changes.

2․ - On Ubuntu 18.04 x64, Debian 10 x64 or Armbian 23, navigate to the extras directory where the FingerprintViewer utility is located.

 * Grant access rights to the `FingerprintViewer` utility:

   chmod +x FingerprintViewer

 * Run the utility by specifying the path to the license.conf file:

   ./FingerprintViewer ../data/license.conf

- On Windows, open the root folder of the distribution where the `FingerprintViewer` utility is located and run `FingerprintViewer.exe`.

3․ The print will be displayed in the console. Copy and save it.

On a device with Internet access

1․ Go to the site to activate the license (the address was obtained in the beginning).

2․ Enter your EID to log in to the site and activate the license using your device fingerprint.

3․ Download the license certificate.

4․ Note that the default name of the license file is licenseFile.v2c. Rename the file using one of the methods below:

Move the licenseFile.v2c file to the data directory.

  • Change the Filename parameter in the license.conf file according to the example:

    xml <param name="Filename" type="Value::String" text="licenseFile.v2c"/>

  • Rename licenseFile.v2c to license.dat. The Filename parameter in the license.conf file does not need to be changed and remains the default:

    xml <param name="Filename" type="Value::String" text="license.dat"/>

On the device on which the license is to be activated

Copy the obtained license.dat license key to the data directory.