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User panel#

User opens LUNA PASS UI page in a web browser to pass the checks. The LUNA PASS UI requests access to the webcam. If the user allows access, the screen shows a stream from the camera (Figure 5).

LUNA PASS UI before user checks begins
Figure 5. LUNA PASS UI before user checks begins

Here the user can:

  • change the video stream mode by clicking the (1). There are two modes:
  • operator: the operator takes pictures, the resulting image isn't mirrored;
  • selfie: the operator does not participate in the shooting process, the resulting image is mirrored;
  • zoom in with and (2) to meet size requirements for face image;
  • select the source of the video stream (3);
  • start the check by clicking on the button (4).

If the user fails the checks, for example because they are sitting too far away from the camera or their head tilt angle is too above, the web browser shows tips on how to change the position relative to the webcam to pass the check.

Administrator panel#

The administrator manages user interface settings via the admin panel (Figure 6).

Administrator panel home page
Figure 6. Administrator panel home page

From the panel home page, the administrator can:

  • manage user interface configs (1). Click on "UI configs" to go to details — viewing the list of configs, creating and editing configs;
  • manage authentication and authorization settings (2). Click on "AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION" to go to details:
  • creating other panel users with access to specified parts of the admin panel;
  • creating user groups with access to specified parts of the admin panel. For example, you can create another administrator with the right to manage user interface settings;
  • view the history of actions in the interface in the "Recent actions" block (3). Click on an action from the list to return to it;
  • view the result of applying config on the page for passing checks by clicking “VIEW SITE” (4);
  • change password of the administrator account by clicking “CHANGE PASSWORD” (5);
  • log out of the account by clicking "LOG OUT" (6);
  • change the theme to dark or light mode by clicking on or (7).

UI configs#

Viewing configs#

To view the list of configs created in the admin panel (Figure 7), click on “UI configs” on the home page.

List of configs
Figure 7. List of configs

These actions the administrator is able to do on the page with the list of configs:

  • edit a config by clicking on its name;
  • add a new config by clicking "Add UI config" (1);
  • delete selected configs, for this:
  • tick the checkboxes for configs to delete or tick the checkbox next to “UI CONFIG” above the list of configs to select all ones (2);
  • select "Delete selected ui configs" in the "Action" field;
  • click the "Go" button;
  • confirm the deletion by clicking “Yes, I’m sure”, or cancel by clicking “No, take me back” in the opened page with a description of the objects to be deleted.

Creating config#

To create a new config of user interface, click the "Add" button in the "UI configs" section on the home page. You can also create a new config from the page with a list of configs by clicking "Add UI config" .

UI configs
Figure 8. UI configs

In the opened page (Figure 8), set:

  • name of the config, "Name" field;
  • address where the user is redirected after passing check, "Redirect url" field;
  • width and height of the camera image, in px, "Image width" and "Image height" fields;
  • width and height of the camera stream image, in px, “Video width” and “Video height” fields;
  • shooting mode in "Mode" field:
  • operator: the operator takes pictures, the resulting image isn't mirrored;
  • selfie: the operator does not participate in the shooting process, the resulting image is mirrored;
  • description of errors that are showed when the user fails the checks, as well as description of tips on how to change the position of the face relative to the webcam in order to pass the checks, "Error messages" field;
  • message that is shown when the user successfully passes the checks, "Success message" field;
  • name of the button to start checking, which is shown in the user panel, “Button start message” field;
  • tooltip for changing the video stream mode in the user panel, “Mode tooltip” field;
  • message that is shown to the user if it was not possible to connect to the camera, the “Camera is not attached message” field;
  • colors of buttons, backgrounds, messages of the user panel, the “Styles” field for html code;

Editing config#

To start editing config, open the list of configs, then select the one that you want to edit by clicking on its name. Edit the fields and save the changes. See the "Creating config" section for the description of the fields.