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Term Description
Age category (group) A group of people that is within a specified range of ages. In accordance with the age periodization of the World Health Organization, groups 18–44 (young adults), 45–60 (middle-aged adults), 61–75 (older adults) are distinguished
Attributes Age, gender, automatically determined by the system
Authorization A security mechanism to determine access levels or user privileges related to system resources
Avatar A visual representation of the face that can be used in the user interface
Best shot A frame of the video stream, in which the face is captured in the optimal angle for further use in the face recognition system
Biometric sample (sample) Analog or digital representation of biometric characteristics prior to biometric feature extraction and descriptor generation
Descriptor A binary data set prepared by the system based on analyzed characteristic. It is a composite vector of person's face attributes
Candidate Applicant for similarity with the reference
Cross-matching Many-to-many comparison (M:N). In the context of this document, comparing multiple lists
Task A task that is created by a user and runs in the background. In LUNA POINT, tasks include cross-matching, export, batch processing, batch import, and batch identification
Detection FaceStream entity that contains the coordinates of face and the estimated value of the object that determines the best shot
Event Detection recorded by the system with the extraction of attributes by the handler
Event card An information block displaying data about the event
Exchangeable image file format (EXIF) A standard for embedding technical metadata in image files that many camera manufacturers use and many image-processing programs support
Extraction A descriptor extraction procedure
Face card An Information block displaying data about the face
Face recognition A set of methods for collecting, processing, and storing data of person's face images for identity recognition or identity confirmation using mathematical methods
Faces Changeable LUNA PLATFORM 5 objects that contain information about one person
Handler Image processing entry points that characterize the image processing procedure and define the LUNA PLATFORM 5 algorithms used for this
Handling policy A set of rules (policies) for image processing
Identification Search for the most suitable descriptor by comparing the vectors of face features with a list of similar descriptors in the database (one to many)
List A set of faces in the LUNA PLATFORM 5 system, combined automatically or manually according to a certain criterion
Liveness A software method to confirm the vitality of a person by one or several images in order to prevent spoofing attacks
LUNA PLATFORM 5 (LP5) VisionLabs automated facial recognition system designed to process, collect, analyze, store, and compare biometric data obtained from facial images
Matching A procedure of matching descriptors for the purpose of comparison
Physical access control system (PACS) A set of hardware and software tools aimed at controlling the entrance and exit in order to ensure safety and regulate visits to a particular facility
Reference Object (attribute, face, face and event external IDs, event track ID, descriptor) that is compared/verified with the candidate.
Similarity Probability characteristic in the range from 0 to 1, characterizing the level of similarity of subjects of biometric data
Spoofing attack Substitution of a real person for a fake image (for example, a photograph) to deceive the system
Track Information about object’s position (face of a person) in a sequence of frames