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"Operator panel" section#

The “Operator panel” section displays face recognition events. The general view of the “Operator panel” section is shown below (Figure 7).

The section displays the last 30 events within the settings of handling policy for processing incoming images of the video stream. Receiving and displaying events is performed with minimal delays in near real time.

“Operator panel” section
“Operator panel” section

Click the “Get events” switch (1) to show events received via the WebSocket protocol. Click on the filter icon (2) to filter events by parameters (for more details, see "Filtering events" section).

The page shows the following last events (3):

  • Photo image of a face from a video stream.
  • Top match is the reference photo image of the face. If no matches are found for a photo from an event, then the column with the top match for this event will remain empty.
  • Value of similarity of the identified face with the reference (in percentage terms and with the color coding of similarity thresholds*);
  • "Date created"—the date and time the event was recorded;
  • "User data"—information from the database, linked to a person from the control list;
  • "Source"—the name of the event source that recorded the event;
  • “Person ID”—the identifier of a person card from the control list. The value is displayed if such an ID is present;
  • “Place”—location of the event—house number, street, city, district, area;
  • “Lists”—the name of the lists (list) to which the person is attached;

* The color coding of similarity thresholds (3):

  • similarity values below “low” will be marked in red;
  • similarity values between “low” and “medium” will be marked in yellow;
  • similarity values above “medium” will be marked in green.

Color coding of similarity thresholds is configured in the config.json configuration file (see Luna POINT. Administration Manual).

When you click on a block with an event on the right, the event details open.

Event details in the operator panel#

Event details are divided into four blocks and contain information about the date and location of the event, a photo of a full frame of the event, a map and video stream of the event, a summary of the match, as well as information about last events with the person from the card.

In the figure, blocks of event details are highlighted with numbers 1-4 (Figure 8). Description of the blocks are presented in tables (Tables 2-5)

Event details
Event details

Table 2. Elements of the first (1) block of event details: detailed information about the event



Date created

Date and time the event was recorded


Name of the source that recorded the event, indicating the location events—house number, street, city, district, area

Download sample

The button that downloads the sample when clicked—centered cropped photo of face from event

Download full frame

The button that downloads the full frame when clicked—frame from the video stream, on which a person is fixed

Add to сard

A button that opens the “Add to Card” window when clicked. Here the user can add a sample to the person card by filling out the following fields:

  • Card ID—ID of the existing or the new person card, to which photo will be added;

  • Add face to lists—a list or lists to which the photo will be added.

After completing the fields, click the "Save" button and the sample will be attached to the specified card and lists


A button that takes the user to the "Search" page when clicked—shows the search results by the current event ID

Table 3. Elements of the second (2) block of event details: video stream from the event site and a map with the geotag of the event




A button that, when clicked, displays a map indicating the geotag of the event. Allows user to track a person's movement on the map

Video stream

A button that, when clicked, shows a video stream from the source that recorded the event. Allows you to track the movement of a person on the camera from a video stream

Table 4. Elements of the third (3) block of event details: information about the person whose face matched the detected face



Open card

A button that, when clicked, takes you to the person card page, where you can view all faces similar to the reference (for more details, see the "Idex card" section)

Similarity percentage

Value of similarity of the identified face with the reference in percentage terms and with the color coding of similarity thresholds;

Date created

Date and time of creation of the biometric sample with whom the identification event occurred


List of lists to which the reference is attached


Files and documents attached to the person whose face was in the event

Table 5. Elements of the fourth (4) block of event details: list of lasts events with a person whose face matched the detected face



Photos of the event

Photo of a face from a video stream

Similarity percentage

The value of the degree of similarity of the identified face with the face from the card in percentage and with the color designation of similarity thresholds


Date and time the event was recorded


Name of the source that recorded the event


Event location—house number, street, city, district, area

An external ID is used to integrate LUNA POINT with external systems, to transfer data to other systems for the purpose of analysis and for the rapid response to an event.

Filtering events#

User can quickly find an event among the last 30, as well as set a limit for displaying new events on the screen using filters. When a user clicks on the icon on the “Operator panel” page, a menu with settings and filters opens (Figure 9).

Applying filters in the “Operator panel” section
Applying filters in the “Operator panel” section

The number next to the icon shows the number of applied filters. A short description of the elements and parameters of the filter block on the “Operator panel” page is presented in the table (Table 6).

Table 6. Filters available to the user to search for last events




Select one or more sources from the list of available ones;

Handling policies

Handling policy names, according to which the face or body in the image was processed. One or several handling policies can be selected for searching.


Gender of a person to be detected:

  • Female;

  • Male;

  • Not estimated;


Lower and/or upper limits of age of a person to be detected:

  • Under 18;

  • From 18 to 44;

  • 45 to 60;

  • Over 60;


Lower and/or upper limits of similarity for displaying faces identified by the lists;

The user selects one filter or a combination of filters and clicks on the “Filter” button for the applied filters to be applied. The applied filters will affect the appearance of new events on the screen.

To reset the applied filters, click on the “Reset” button. To collapse “Filters”, click on the filter icon on the left side of the screen.