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"Event details" section#

Click on an arrow button on a photo from an event in the "Event Archive" section to open a page with detailed event data (Figure 15).

Detailed event data
Detailed event data

When an event contains data on the detection of both a face and a body, you can switch between these data on the page with event details. If an event contains detection data for only one object, such as a face, then there will be no detection data for another object.

The description of the elements of the page is presented below (Table 9).

Table 9. Elements and parameters of the "Event details" page



Event information

Basic information about the event

Date created

Date and time of event recording


“Event ID” — when clicked on , the value is copied to the clipboard


“Track ID” — when clicked on , the value is copied to the clipboard

Handling policy

Name of the policy by which the image processing in the video stream is performed.

Clicking on the name of the policy opens the form for editing its parameters


The name of the source that recorded the event at the time the event was created. Users can change the source name. Then the "Video stream" field will show the new name, and the "Source" field will show the original one

Video stream

The current name of the source that recorded the event, with a link to the real-time image of the stream


Name of tags by which the event is filtered if any tags are present


Uploading arbitrary user data in JSON format, if available


Event location data: “City”, “Area”, “District”, “Street”, “House number”, “Coordinates (latitude)”, “Coordinates (longitude)”


If equipped: face and/or body detection

Find similar: events

Clicking on opens a page in a new tab and searches for evens by the Event ID where the face/body was recorded

Find similar: faces

Clicking on opens the page in a new tab and searches for similar faces by the Face ID

For face detection only

Photo image of a face and/or body from a video stream

Normalized image. When clicked on:

  • the biometric sample opens in a new tab;

  • the face/body detection track opens;

  • the full frame from the video stream opens;

  • a window for adding a face from an event to the list opens:


Face attributes:

  • “Gender”—gender of a person;

  • “Age category”—specification of age category. Hover the cursor over the card to find out the exact age of the person determined from the face image;

  • "Emotion"—emotion of a person that was detected;

  • "Mask"—indication of the presence of a mask

If Liveness and Deepfake checks were performed:

  • "Liveness"—result of the Liveness check for person identification purposes;

  • "Deepfake"—result of the Deepfake check to determine face replacing

Body attributes:

  • “Gender by body”—gender of a person;

  • “Age category by body”—specification of age. Hover the cursor over the card to find out the exact age of the person determined from the face image;

  • "Upper body"—specification of the type and color of clothing of the upper body.

  • "Lower body"—specification of the type and color of clothing of the lower body.

  • “Headwear"—specification of the type and color of the headwear.

  • “Shoes color"—specification of the shoe color.

  • "Accessories"—specification of the presence or absence of a "backpack"

Additional properties

Face properties:

  • Head tilt angle (roll);

  • Head tilt angle (pitch);

  • Head rotation angle (yaw);

  • Eye direction (pitch);

  • Eye direction (yaw);

  • Light;

  • Dark;

  • Blur;

  • Specularity;

  • Illumination

  • Mouth state;

  • Eye state;

  • Definition of attributes and properties of the face/body is set in the handler settings

Best match: Event or Person

Similarity value of identified face/body with the face/body from control list/event (in percentage);

Find similar: events

Clicking on opens a page in a new tab and searches for evens by the Event ID where the face/body was recorded

Find similar: faces

Clicking on opens the page in a new tab and searches for similar faces by the Face ID

For face detection only

Additional information

“Face” type — “Information”, “Lists”, “External ID”. “Event” type — “Handling policy”, “Source” with the ability to go to the handling policy editing page and view the stream from the source in real time

Photo image of a face and/or body

Reference photo image of the face or body (sample) or no photo. When clicked on

  • the biometric sample opens in a new tab;

  • face details opens

  • the face/body detection track opens;

  • the full frame from the video stream opens


Face attributes:

  • “Gender”—gender of a person;

  • “Age category”—specification of age category. Hover the cursor over the card to find out the exact age of the person determined from the face image;

Body attributes:

  • “Gender by body”—gender of a person;

  • “Age category by body”—specification of age. Hover the cursor over the card to find out the exact age of the person determined from the face image;

  • "Upper body"—specification of the type and color of clothing of the upper body.

  • "Lower body"—specification of the type and color of clothing of the lower body.

  • “Headwear"—specification of the type and color of the headwear.

  • “Shoes color"—specification of the shoe color.

  • "Accessories"—specification of the presence or absence of a "backpack"

Additional properties

Face properties:

  • Head tilt angle (roll);

  • Head tilt angle (pitch);

  • Head rotation angle (yaw);

  • Eye direction (pitch);

  • Eye direction (yaw);

  • Light;

  • Dark;

  • Blur;

  • Specularity;

  • Illumination

  • Mouth state;

  • Eye state;

  • Definition of attributes and properties of the face/body is set in the handler settings


List of matches with a detected face and/or body

Event photo

“Face” type—an avatar, sample, or no photo image.

Similarity value of identified face with the face from control list (in percentage)

“Event” type—detection (photo image of a face from a video stream).

Similarity value of identified face or body with the face or body from the event (in percentage)


  • Face;

  • Event

Date created

Date and time of the biometric sample of the face or body creation from the identification event


Name of the label—rule by which the comparison occurred

Additional information

“Face” type — “Information”, “Lists”, “External ID”. “Event” type — “Handling policy”, “Source”, “Video stream” with the ability to go to the handling policy editing page and view the stream from the source in real time

When clicked, the face or event details opens