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"Search" section#

The “Search” section is designed to search by photo, event (event ID), and face (face ID: “External ID”, “Face ID”). This section displays all detection face and body recognition events that match the search conditions (Figure 19).

“Search” section
“Search” section

The “Search” section contains the following blocks:

  • Search options:
  • “Photo”—search by uploaded photo image: — field for uploading a photo image;
  • “Event”—search by registered event in the system: — “Event ID”—identifier of the event of detection and attribute extraction;
  • “Face”—search by registered face in the system: — “External ID”—external face identifier; — “Face ID”—face identifier that is created in the LUNA PLATFORM 5 system as a result of a detection event and attribute extraction;
  • Searching results:
  • “Events (N)”: — “Display search image” checkbox — disable if you need to hide the column with the original photo; — “Choose the type of sorting” drop-down list; — “Search result” column; — “Search image” column; — “Details” column;
  • “Faces (N)”: — “Display search image” checkbox — disable if you need to hide the column with the original photo; — “Choose the type of sorting” drop-down list; — “Search result” column; — “Search image” column; — “Details” column;
  • “Filters”.

A short description of the elements and parameters of the filter block in the "Search" section is presented in the table (Table 10).

Table 10. “Filters” block elements description



Search events

Date from

Start of the search period by date and time of the event;

Date to

End of the search period by date and time of the event;


Event source that recorded the event. Select one or more sources from the list of available ones;

Handling policies

Handling policy names, according to which the face or body in the image was processed. One or several handling policies can be selected for searching.

Similarity is not less than, %

The similarity value is not lower than the specified one, in percent;

Face attributes and properties


Gender of the person in the found events:

  • Female;

  • Male;

  • Not estimated;


Lower and/or upper limits of age of a person in the found events:

  • below 18;

  • from 18 to 44;

  • from 45 to 60;

  • above 60;






House number

Draw search area on map


Accuracy (0…90);


Accuracy (0…90);

Event location

A map with highlighted search area open by clicking the button. The coordinates that define the selected zone will be automatically substituted into the filtering parameters—longitude and latitude values with accuracy

Search faces

Date from

Beginning of the search period by date and time of face creation

Date before

End of search period by date and time of face creation

External faces ID

External event identifiers (available only to users with the administrator role, to correctly search for the value indicated separated by commas and in full);

Similarity is not less than, %

The similarity value is not lower than the specified value, in percent


Selecting a list in which to search for a face

User data

Information about the person from the database (if available)

To search by face image, select the "Photo" section, click on the field to upload an image from your computer, or drag and drop a photo into this field.

Image file requirements:

  • *.jpeg, *.png or *.bmp format;
  • image size no less than 320х250 and no more than 3840х2160 pixels;
  • image may contain one or more people;
  • image must have a face.

When loading a photo image containing many faces, the Service detects all faces in the image, then show the the number of detected faces and the faces themselves to the right of the loaded photo image (Figure 20). To reset the image, click on .

Photo image with multiple faces
Photo image with multiple faces

To find similar faces or events with the face or body, select one face or body by clicking on it on the uploaded photo image or by selecting to the right of the uploaded photo image. Then, in the filter block, select the necessary search options and click "Filter". To reset the parameter values, click the "Reset" button. The search results will be displayed at the bottom of the page (Figure 21).

“Search” section. Search by events
“Search” section. Search by events

The description of the elements of the search results block is presented in the tables (Table 11 and 12).

Table 11. Elements and parameters of the search results, if "Search events" is selected in the block with filters:



Search result

The face of a person from the event that is the most similar to the one selected in the uploaded photo

Search image

Normalized photo image of a person's face from the uploaded photo


  • The similarity value of the reference face from the uploaded photo with the face from the event

  • Date created—date and time of the event creation;

  • Source—the name of the source that recorded the event at the time the event was created. Users can change the source name. Then the "Video stream" field will show the new name, and the "Source" field will show the original one

  • Video stream—the current name of the source that recorded the event, with a link to the real-time image of the stream

  • Handling policy—policy according to which the event was recorded

  • Gender—specification of gender (male/female), determined by the face from the event;

  • Age category—age determined by the face from the event;

  • Map showing the geotag of the event;

  • Button —when pressed, a search for similar persons is performed by event ID;

  • Button —when pressed, a search for similar faces is performed by face ID;

  • Button —when pressed, it goes to the “Event details” page.

Table 12. Elements and parameters of the search results, if "Search faces" is selected in the block with filters:

|     Name      |                                                  Description                                                  |
| Search result | The face of a person from the database that is the most similar to the one selected in the uploaded photo         |
| Search image  | Normalized photo image of a person's face from the uploaded photo                                                 |
| Details       | - The similarity value of the reference face from the uploaded photo with the face from the database              |
|                   |                                                                                                                   |
|                   | - Date created—date and time of adding a photo with a face to the database;                                       |
|                   |                                                                                                                   |
|                   | - Lists (amount)—lists to which the person is attached;                                                           |
|                   |                                                                                                                   |
|                   | - External ID—external face identifier;                                                                           |
|                   |                                                                                                                   |
|                   | - Information—information from the database, linked to a face;                                                    |
|                   |                                                                                                                   |
|                   | - Button —when pressed, a search for similar persons is performed by event ID; |
|                   |                                                                                                                   |
|                   | - Button  —when pressed, a search for similar faces is performed by face ID;   |
|                   |                                                                                                                   |
|                   | - Button —when pressed, it goes to the                                         |
|                   | "Face details” page.                                                         |

Filter your search for faces and events by date. For example, to find the oldest event with a selected face, choose the type of sorting "by date, oldest to newest"

Configure the display of search results for faces and events by turning off the “Display search image” checkbox. This way you will get meaningful information about matches without showing the face from the uploaded photo in the search results.