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"Lists" section#

The “Lists” section is intended for combining faces according to a certain criterion automatically or manually. For example, you can create a list with staff of the same unit and use it for a biometric identification policy through the list. This will allow you to compare the face detected in the frame with all the faces from the staff list and, if the comparison is successful, save the face to the specified list.

The administrator can create, delete, edit and view lists. The user can view the list and remove all the face belonging to the list.

The general view of the “Lists” section for administrators (Figure 49) and for for users (Figure 50) is shown below.

“Lists” section for administrator
“Lists” section for administrator
“Lists” section for user
“Lists” section for user

“Lists” section contains the following elements:

  • table of lists:
  • checkbox — selection of a list or lists;
  • “Name” — name of the list;
  • “Date created” — date and time when the list was created;
  • “Date modified” — date and time when the list was last modified;
  • — button for counting the number of faces in the list (1);
  • — button for editing the list name (2);
  • — button for detaching all faces from the selected list and deleting the selected list (3);
  • — button for deleting all faces in the selected list (4);
  • — button for deleting the list with faces (5);
  • “Add” button — button for creating a list;
  • “Export faces” button — button for downloading data on faces with certain parameters;
  • “Batch import” button – button for uploading several photos with faces to the list at once;
  • “Delete without faces” button — button for removing all faces from the list and deleting the list;
  • “Delete with faves” button — button for deleting the list with faces in it;
  • the number of lists displayed on the page is set by the switch in the lower right corner of the page. There can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 lists in total on one page (5).

In the table with lists, it is possible to sort by the columns “Name”, “Date created” and “Date modified”. To sort a column in the table, click on the column name.

The sorting arrow icon indicates the current sorting by one of the parameters: alphabetically, ascending, or descending.

List creation#

To create a list, click on the “Add” button in the lower left corner of the page.

The general view of the form for creating a list is shown below (Figure 51).

Form for creating a list
Form for creating a list

Enter a name for the list and click on the “Save” button. A message about the successful list creation will appear on the screen as well as the new list will appear in the table of lists.

Adding faces to the list#

To add a face to the list, click on the line with the name of the list to which you want to add the face. The form for editing the list will open (Figure 52).

Empty form for editing the list
Empty form for editing the list

The number of faces in this list is displayed next to the list name. To add a face to the list, click on the “Add” button. A form for adding a face will open (Figure 53).

Form for adding a face
Form for adding a face

Enter the required information:

  • Field for uploading a photo of the person—avatar (required to be filled out). There may be one face or several ones in the photo. If there is more than one face in the photo, then after uploading you have to select which face to be added in the list/lists—the selected face will be highlighted with a green frame. You can add more than one person via batch import;
  • “Information”—information about the person. For example, the position of the employee whose face you are adding;
  • “External ID”—external identifier of the face. If you need to add a face to an existing face card, copy the External ID from the "Face details" page and paste it into the field. In this case, several faces will be assigned to one external ID. If you need to create a face with a unique external ID, enter your own identifier in the field as a set of letters and/or numbers;
  • “Lists”—the name of the list to which the face will be added (multiple lists can be selected);
  • “Check photo image quality for compliance with the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 standard”—if enabled, the photo will be added to the list only after passing the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2011 verification.
  • —button for resetting the uploaded photo image.

Image file requirements:

  • *.jpeg, *.png or *.bmp format;
  • image size no more than 15 MB and no more than 3840x2160 pixels;
  • image may contain one or more persons;
  • image must have person's face.

Fill in the fields and click on the “Save” button. A message about the successful face adding will appear on the screen.

The form for list editing allows to search for faces by user data, external ID or creation date in the line for quick search.

The added faces will be displayed in the form for list editing (Figure 54).

Form for list editing
Form for list editing

To export faces according to the specified parameters, click the "Export faces" button: fill in the fields, click "Save", then go to the "Tasks" section and download the results.

Sort the table with faces by the columns “User data”, “External ID” and “Date created”, clicking on the column name. The sorting arrow icon indicates the current sorting by one of the parameters: alphabetically, ascending, or descending.

The number of faces displayed on the page is set by the switch in the lower right corner of the page. There can be 10, 25, 50 or 100 faces in total on one page.

To edit a face in the list, click on the button in the line with that face.

To detach a face from the list, click on the button in the line with that face.

To delete a face from the list, click on the button in the line with that face. To delete multiple faces from the list, select those faces and click on the “Delete” button. In the pop-up window (Figure 55), confirm the action—click on the “Delete” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button. Once a face or faces were successfully deleted from the list, a corresponding notification appears.

Confirmation of removing a face from the list
Confirmation of removing a face from the list

You can also delete more than one faces via creating task for deleting faces from the list;

To go to face details, click on the button in the line with the face on the list editing page.

List editing#

Editing the name of the list is performed by clicking on the button in the line (Figure 22). The general view of the form for editing the list name is shown below (Figure 56).

Form for editing the list name
Form for editing the list name

Change the name of the list and click on the “Save” button. A notification about successful list editing appears.

List deleting#

Deleting the list with faces is performed by clicking on the button (Figure 22).

To delete multiple lists, select those lists. Then click on the “Delete with faces” button, if you need to delete both the list and the faces in it, or click the “Delete without faces” button if you want to delete only the list. To detach all faces from the selected lists and delete the lists, check the boxes for the names of these lists, and click the button (Figure 57).

Selecting lists to delete
Selecting lists to delete

In the pop-up window (Figure 58), confirm the action — click on the “Delete” button or cancel the action by clicking on the “Cancel” button. A corresponding notification appears after successful list deletion.

Confirmation of deletion of the selected lists
Confirmation of deletion of the selected lists