Appendix. Common problems and solutions#
This section describes the errors most often encountered during the installation of the Service and actions to fix them.
Server IP-address and Docker conflict
If the server on which Docker is deployed has an IP address like, this leads to a conflict between the physical network and the default Docker network. To change the Docker network, follow these steps.
Edit or create a new Docker config file daemon.json:
nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
Add to the config file the lines:
Restart Docker:
service docker restart
Check the changes:
docker network create foo
| network inspect foo | grep Subnet
The result should be:
This algorithm works the same for Docker Compose.
Go to the container:
docker-compose run --rm clementine_auth sh
Check component availability:
curl clementine_auth:9000/version
Exit the container:
If the Service and dependent components are located on the same server, it may be necessary to open ports or launch them on the host network.