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  • The possibility to save source images was added. The stored images can have the following formats: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, Portable pixmap.

    The "/images" resource is used for images storage. The "/images/" resource is used for deletion of images and for receiving stored images. The images are stored in the "visionlabs-image-origin" bucket of the Image Store. The URL of the saved image can be specified upon execution of requests to the "/detector" , "/handlers/{handler_id}/events" , "/verifiers/{verifier_id}/verifications" resources. The "Content-Type" header value should be set to "application/json". Example of the image URL: "http://:5000/6/images/10bc2cb4-db84-410d-adc7-ff2ac17e4b2d". * The logic of the LUNA PLATFORM services launch inside containers was changed. Now applications are launched by the luna user instead of the root user.

    This change was not applied to the containers of the following services: UI 3, UI 4, services for index building and searching by index. * FaceDetV1 and FaceDetV2 detectors are not supported anymore. FaceDetV3 will be automatically set as the detector used in the "LUNA_HANDLERS_DETECTOR_TYPE" setting after the Configurator service settings migration if another detector was used. The migration is performed during the Configurator database update.

  • The "wait_saving" option was added to the event storage policy ("storage_policy" > "event_policy") of the "/handlers" resource. It enables and disables waiting for events to be saved in the Events database before sending a response.

    • When the option is disabled, the response from the "/handlers/{handler_id}/events" resource is returned faster, but the system does not send any notifications in case of failure during the event saving. This behavior was set by default in the previous LUNA PLATFORM versions.
    • When the option is enabled, the system waits until the events are saved before sending a request. The 500 error code is returned when events saving fails.

    The option is enabled by default.

    The option will be automatically added to the "storage_policy" of already existing handlers during the Handlers service database migration. The option will be disabled for the already existing handlers, so the behavior of the system will not change. The migration is performed during the Handlers database update.

  • The "application/msgpack" value can be now set for the "Content-Type" header of the following resources:

  • CUDA version was updated to version 11.1 in the Handlers container.

  • The "Switch to 46 or 52 neural network" section was updated in LP_Administration_Manual.

  • The speed of cross-matching tasks execution was increased.

Fixed errors

  • The error during matching using the 58 neural network version was fixed.

  • The error when authorizing using cookies was fixed in the Admin service.

  • The error when opening the account page was fixed in the Admin service.

    • The crash during the new line symbol processing in the request to the Events service was fixed. The error had occurred when the Vertica database was utilized. Now an error is returned when the "\n" symbol is found in the request.

API (v.5.0.15 - v.5.0.17)#


  • A resources for storing images ("/images", "/images/") was added. See images .

  • The "application/msgpack" possible value was added for the "Content-Type" header for resources match faces and match bodies .

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Faces (v.4.0.18 - v.4.0.20)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.1.16 - v.3.1.18)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Tasks (v.3.0.20 - v.3.0.22)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • Added ability to specify attributes for ROC-curve calculating task. See roc tasks .

Events (v.2.0.13 - v.2.0.15)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Fixed newline characters processing for events saving.

Configurator (v.1.0.22 - v.1.0.24)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.0.13 - v.2.0.15)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • OpenAPI spec was updated with query parameter handler_ids, see ws handshake .

Admin (v.4.1.4 - v.4.1.6)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The UI authorization was fixed. The service was returning the 500 status code for any attempt to use the cookie authorization.

  • An UI account page opening was fixed.

Licenses (v.0.1.20 - v.0.1.22)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.1.1.5 - v.1.1.7)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The support of face detectors v1 and v2 was removed. Handlers supports FACE_DET_V3 detector only.

  • A paramater wait_saving was added to event storage policy. See create handler parameter wait_saving.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.0.2.4 - v.0.2.6)#


  • Added ability to specify attributes as candidate or reference for face crossmatching. See face cross matching for details.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • Invalid documentation examples for "matching" resources were fixed.

Backport3 (v.0.0.24 - v.0.0.26)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport4 (v.1.0.13 - v.1.0.15)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • The list user_data cache updating was fixed. The cache initializing and updating always was failed.
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