Before installation#
Make sure that you are the root user before starting installation!
Backups creation#
Create backups for all the databases used with LUNA PLATFORM before performing the migration procedures. You can restore your data if any problems occur during the migration.
It is recommended to create backups for Image Store buckets.
Backups creation for databases and buckets is not described in this document.
Distribution unpacking#
The distribution package is an archive luna_v.5.11.0, where v.5.11.0 is a numerical identifier, describing the current LUNA PLATFORM version.
The archive includes all components, required for installation and exploitation. It does not include dependencies from the standard CentOS repository. The dependencies are available on the Internet.
Move the installation file and license file to the directory on your server before the installation. For example, move the files to /root/ directory. The directory should not contain any other distribution or license files except the target ones.
Create directory for distribution file unpacking
mkdir -p /var/lib/luna
Move the distribution to the created directory
mv /root/ /var/lib/luna
Install the unzip archiver if it is necessary
yum install -y unzip
Go to the folder with distribution
cd /var/lib/luna
Unzip files
Delete old symbolic link#
Go to the "luna" directory.
cd /var/lib/luna
Delete the "current" symbolic link.
rm -f current
Symbolic link creation#
Create a symbolic link. The link indicates that the current version of the distribution file is used to run the software package.
ln -s luna_v.5.11.0 current
Changing group and owner for directories#
LP services are launched inside the containers by the "luna" user. Therefore, it is required to set permissions for this user to use the mounted volumes.
Go to the LP "example-docker" directory:
cd /var/lib/luna/current/example-docker/
Set permissions for the user with UID 1001 and group 0 to use the mounted directories.
mkdir luna_configurator/used_dumps
chown -R 1001:0 luna_configurator/used_dumps
chown -R 1001:0 image_store
Create logs directory#
Skip this section if it is not required to save logs to the server.
Create logs directory if you are going to write logs to the server.
All the service logs will be copied to this directory.
mkdir /tmp/logs
chown -R 1001:0 /tmp/logs
You should manually create all the required directories for logs and set permissions.
mkdir /tmp/logs/configurator /tmp/logs/image-store /tmp/logs/faces /tmp/logs/licenses /tmp/logs/events /tmp/logs/python-matcher /tmp/logs/handlers /tmp/logs/tasks /tmp/logs/tasks-worker /tmp/logs/sender /tmp/logs/api /tmp/logs/admin /tmp/logs/backport3 /tmp/logs/backport4
chown -R 1001:0 /tmp/logs/configurator /tmp/logs/image-store /tmp/logs/faces /tmp/logs/licenses /tmp/logs/events /tmp/logs/python-matcher /tmp/logs/handlers /tmp/logs/tasks /tmp/logs/tasks-worker /tmp/logs/sender /tmp/logs/api /tmp/logs/admin /tmp/logs/backport3 /tmp/logs/backport4
SELinux and Firewall#
You must configure SELinux and Firewall so that they do not block LUNA PLATFORM services.
SELinux and Firewall configurations are not described in this guide.
If SELinux and Firewall are not configured, the installation cannot be performed
License key activation#
The HASP service is used for LUNA PLATFORM licensing. Without a license, you will be unable to run and use LUNA services.
There are two keys for LUNA PLATFORM:
- general HASP key that enables you to use LUNA PLATFORM. It uses the vendor library;
- optional HASP key for Liveness V1 service, if you need to use the Liveness V1 service. It uses the vendor library.
You can find the vendor libraries in the "/var/hasplm/" directory.
License keys are provided by VisionLabs separately upon request. The utilized Liveness version is specified in the LUNA PLATFORM license key.
A network license is required to use LUNA PLATFORM in Docker containers.
The license key is created using the fingerprint. The fingerprint is created based on the information about hardware characteristics of the server. Therefore, the received license key will only work on the same server where the fingerprint was obtained. There is a possibility that a new license key will be required when you perform any changes on the license server.
Follow these steps:
- Install HASP utility on your server. HASP utility is usually installed on a separate server;
- Start the HASP utility;
- Create the fingerprint of your server and send it to VisionLabs;
- Activate your key, received from VisionLabs;
- Specify your HASP server address in a special file.
The Sentinel Keys tab of the user interface (
) shows activated keys.
Liveness V2#
If you are going to use the Liveness V2:
- the Liveness feature should be set to "2" in your LUNA PLATFORM HASP key. This feature is set by VisionLabs engineers when the license is requested.
- the
"liveness": false
should be set in the "ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_USAGE" setting in Configurator. It is set to "false" by default. Therefore, Liveness V2 is activated by default when the Liveness feature is set to "2".
Liveness V2 does not require an additional license key. It is not required to launch any additional services to use Liveness V2. It is a part of the Handlers service.
See the "Liveness description" section in LP_Administration_Manual.pdf for additional information about Liveness.
Install HASP utility for LP#
Go to the HASP directory.
cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/hasp/
Install HASP utility on you server.
yum -y install /var/lib/luna/current/extras/hasp/haspd-*.rpm
Launch HASP utility.
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start aksusbd
systemctl enable aksusbd
systemctl status aksusbd
Configure HASP utility#
You can configure the HASP utility using the "/etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini" file.
The file is configured by default. Its parameters are not described in this document.
Create fingerprint for LUNA PLATFORM#
Go to the HASP directory.
cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/hasp/
Add permissions to the script.
chmod +x LicenseAssist
Run the script
./LicenseAssist fingerprint fingerprint_111186.c2v
The fingerprint is saved to file "fingerprint_111186.c2v".
Send the file to VisionLabs. You license key will be created using this fingerprint.
Add a license file manually using user interface#
Go to:
:1947 (if access is denied check your Firewall/ SELinux settings (the procedure is not described in this document); -
Select the Update/Attach at the left pane;
Press the "Browse" button and select a license file(s) in the appeared window;
Press the "Apply file" button.

Specify license server address for LP#
Specify your license service IP address in the configuration file in the directory "/var/lib/luna/current/example-docker/hasp_redirect/". Change address to the HASP server in the following documents:
vi /var/lib/luna/current/example-docker/hasp_redirect/hasp_111186.ini
Change the server address in "hasp_111186.ini" file.
serveraddr = <HASP_server_address>
The "hasp_111186.ini" file is used by the Licenses service upon its container launch.
HASP_server_address - the IP address of the server with your HASP key. You must use an IP address, not a server name.
Liveness V1 license#
Perform the following actions if you are going to use the Liveness V1 service.
Liveness V2 does not require an additional key.
Note! Do not perform the actions below before LP license key activation!
Delete LP hasp utility#
Note! This action is performed if you install both keys for LP and Liveness V1 on a single server.
Stop and disable the utility.
systemctl stop aksusbd
systemctl disable aksusbd
systemctl daemon-reload
Delete the HASP utility. The Liveness V1 key is not compatible with this version.
yum remove -y haspd.x86_64
Install HASP utility for Liveness V1#
Go to the HASP directory.
cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/hasp/
Install HASP utility on you server.
tar -xvf aksusbd-7.103.1.tar
cd aksusbd-7.103.1
systemctl status aksusbd
Add configuration file to the utility#
Note! You do not need to perform this action if you already have the configured INI file for the HASP utility.
Copy the INI file with configurations
rm -rf /etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini
cp /var/lib/luna/current/extras/hasp/hasplm.ini /etc/hasplm/
Add LP vendor library#
Copy LP vendor library. This library is required for using LP license key.
Note! This action is performed if you install both keys for LP and Liveness V1 on a single server.
cp /var/lib/luna/current/extras/hasp/ /var/hasplm/
Restart the utility
systemctl restart aksusbd
Create fingerprint for Liveness V1#
Go to the HASP directory.
cd /var/lib/luna/current/extras/hasp/
Add permissions to the script.
chmod +x Liveness_FP_tool.dms
Run the script to create a fingerprint.
./Liveness_FP_tool.dms f fingerprint_107506.c2v
The fingerprint is saved to file "fingerprint_107506.c2v".
Send the file to VisionLabs. You license key will be created using this fingerprint.
Add a license file manually using user interface#
Go to:
:1947 (if access is denied check your Firewall/ SELinux settings (the procedure is not described in this document); -
Select the Update/Attach at the left pane;
Press the "Browse" button and select a license file(s) in the appeared window;
Press the "Apply file" button.

Specify license server address for Liveness V1#
Specify your license service IP address in the configuration file in the directory "/var/lib/luna/current/example-docker/hasp_redirect/". Change address to the HASP server in the following documents:
vi /var/lib/luna/current/example-docker/hasp_redirect/hasp_107506.ini
Change the address in "hasp_107506.ini" file:
serveraddr = <HASP_server_address>
The "hasp_107506.ini" file is used by the Liveness V1 service upon its container launch.
HASP_server_address - the IP address of the server with your HASP key. You must use an IP address, not a server name.
Docker installation#
The Docker installation is described in the official documentation:
You do not need to install Docker if you already have an installed Docker of the latest version on your server.
Quick installation commands are listed below.
Check the official documentation for updates if you have any problems with the installation.
Install dependencies.
yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
Add repository.
yum-config-manager --add-repo
Install Docker.
yum -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
Launch Docker.
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
Check Docker status.
systemctl status docker
Calculations using GPU#
You can use GPU for the general calculations performed by Handlers.
Skip this section if you are not going to utilize GPU for your calculations.
CUDA of version 11.2 is already installed in the Docker container of Handlers.
You need to install NVIDIA Container Toolkit to use GPU with Docker containers. The example of the installation is given below.
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.repo | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/nvidia-docker.repo
yum install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
systemctl restart docker
Check the NVIDIA Container toolkit operating by running a base CUDA container (this container is not provided in the LP distribution and should be downloaded from the Internet):
docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.2-base nvidia-smi
See the documentation for additional information:
Attributes extraction on the GPU is engineered for maximum throughput. The input images are processed in batches. This reduces computation cost per image but does not provide the shortest latency per image.
GPU acceleration is designed for high load applications where request counts per second consistently reach thousands. It won’t be beneficial to use GPU acceleration in non-extensively loaded scenarios where latency matters.