Source code for luna_api.crutches_on_wheels.utils.rid

Module realizes  getting and checking request id

    TIME_ZONE_DELTA: time zone of machine
import os
import time
import uuid
from contextvars import ContextVar

from .regexps import REQUEST_ID_REGEXP

# var contains actual requst id
requestIdCtx = ContextVar("requestId", default=None)  # pylint: disable-msg=C0103

TIME_ZONE_DELTA = time.timezone  #: correction for getting timestamp in utc

[docs]def getLogTimestamp(timeIsLocal: bool) -> int: """ Generate timestamp for logs Args: timeIsLocal: timestamp generate in localtime or not Returns: timestamp with """ if timeIsLocal: timestamp = int(time.time() - TIME_ZONE_DELTA) else: timestamp = int(time.time()) return timestamp
def _getDefaultRequestId() -> str: """ Get default request id for record which is initiated of the service. Format '{ts_start_service},00000000-0000-4000-a000-{pid}' Returns: request id """ timestamp = getLogTimestamp(timeIsLocal=True) return f"{timestamp:08d},00000000-0000-4000-a000-{os.getpid():012d}" DEFAULT_REQUEST_ID = _getDefaultRequestId() #: request id for record which is initiated of the service
[docs]def generateRequestId(timeIsLocal: bool) -> str: """ Generate correct request id. Args: timeIsLocal: timestamp generate in localtime or not Returns: standard request id string. """ requestId = f"{getLogTimestamp(timeIsLocal)},{uuid.uuid4()}" return requestId
[docs]def checkRequestId(requestId: str) -> bool: """ Validate request id str Args: requestId: str for checking Returns: True if requestId match with REQUEST_ID_REGEXP otherwise False """ match = REQUEST_ID_REGEXP.match(requestId) return match is not None