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This document describes the general steps for upgrading from LUNA PLATFORM 3 distribution (version 3.3.8) to LUNA PLATFORM 5 with Backport 3 service. See the "Backports" section in LP_Administrator_Manual.pdf for information about the Backport 3 service.

The database migration procedures are performed using a script. The script was tested on the LUNA PLATFORM 3 of version 3.3.8. It was not tested on the other LUNA PLATFORM 3 versions. See "Migration from LUNA PLATFORM 3 to Backport 3".

You should update LUNA PLATFORM to the version 3.3.8 if you have an earlier version.

This instruction describes migration from Aerospike and PostgreSQL (LUNA PLATFORM 3) databases to the PostgreSQL (LUNA PLATFORM 5) databases and full installation of LUNA PLATFORM 5.

This document describes migration from LUNA PLATFORM 3.3.8 installed in the default configuration. Note that your LUNA PLATFORM configuration and scaling may differ. In this case, use this manual as an example of the general approach to LUNA PLATFORM migration.

The document describes installation of all the services on a single service. You should change the service addresses and ports in the Configurator service. See "Configurator service".

It is considered that you already have PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ installed. Thus their installation is not described in this document.

You should install InfluxDB if monitoring is required.

Docker images of the LP containers are required for the installation. Internet connection is required on the server for Docker images download, or the images should be downloaded on any other device and moved to the server. It is required to manually specify login and password for Docker images downloading.

This document includes an example of LUNA PLATFORM deployment. It implements LUNA PLATFORM minimum power operating for demonstration purposes and cannot be used for the production system.

All the provided commands should be executed using the Bash shell (when you launch commands directly on the server) or Putty (when you remotely connect to the server). The provided commands were tested with these utilities only. The use of other shells or emulators can lead to errors when executing commands.

This document does not include a tutorial for Docker usage. Please refer to the Docker documentation to find more information about Docker:

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