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  • A new "/createEstimatorTask" resource has been added to the Tasks service, which enables you to process images using specified policies. Policies can be specified in the request body or use saved ones by passing the handler_ID.

    Currently, it is possible to send images only as a zip archive, indicating a link to it.

  • A new parameter "remove_samples" for removing face or body samples along with the event has been added to the "/tasks/gc" request. Please note that after removing samples, it will become impossible to re-extract the attribute or descriptor for the created face. This parameter can also be used in the user interface of the LUNA Admin service.

  • API service now sends accept-encoding header equal to identity, deflate, gzip to other services with proxy requests (before deflate and gzip). This change disabling automatic compression (on the other services side) and decompression (on the API service side) of the response body in some cases, for example, when getting an image or a zip archive.

  • Now the API service reuse connections to other platform services. This change decreases open connections and speeds up requests to other services.

  • Service response when deleting events has been changed. Now a different array is used for each type of sample. See "event deletion" resource.

  • Now migration from LP 3 does not fail when the descriptor is not found in the LP3 Core service. To do this, specify --skip_missing_descriptors parameter when running the migration script.

Fixed errors

  • Fixed the syntax of the "external_ids" parameter of the "/verifiers/{verifier_id}/verifications" resource. Previously, the value of this parameter could only be specified in the UUID format, but now input in the string format is available.

  • Backport3 service shutdown has been fixed. An exception was thrown earlier when shutting down the service, which caused the configuration reload to be aborted.

API (v.5.7.3 - v.5.7.4)#


  • Parameter to remove samples along with the event was added. See create GC task .

  • Estimator task was added. See estimator task resource.

  • Service sends Accept-encoding header is equal to identity, deflate, gzip to other services with proxy

requests (before deflate, gzip). This change disabled automatically compress (on side of other service) and

decompress (on side of Luna Api) response body in several cases such that getting image, zip archive.

  • Service reuse connections to other platform services now. This change decreases open connections and speeds up

requests to other services.

Faces (v.4.3.3 - v.4.3.4)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Image Store (v.3.3.9 - v.3.3.10)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

  • The resource healthcheck was added.

Tasks (v.3.4.2 - v.3.4.3)#


Events (v.2.3.3 - v.2.4.0)#


  • Service response when deleting events has been changed. Now a different array is used for each type of sample.

See event deletion resource.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Configurator (v.1.3.3 - v.1.3.4)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.1.14 - v.2.1.15)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Admin (v.4.3.0 - v.4.3.1)#


  • Parameter to remove samples along with the event was added. See create GC task .

  • The resource /healthcheck was added, see healthcheck .

  • estimator task support was added. See tasks resource.

Licenses (v.0.1.42 - v.0.1.43)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Handlers (v.1.6.4 - v.1.6.5)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • A external_ids query parameter parsing was fixed for the resource

/verifiers//verifications. If external_id was not uuid, then the service would have returned

a status code 400 and an error 12012 (bad query param).

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.0.5.3 - v.0.5.4)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Backport3 (v.0.1.14 - v.0.1.15)#


  • Now migration does not fail when descriptor is not found in the LP3 Luna Core service. Specify --skip_missing_descriptors for this behavior.

  • Service dependencies were updated.

Fixed bugs#

  • A service shutdown was fixed. An exception is raised during a service shutdown before, this led to the fact that the config reload is broken.

Backport4 (v.1.0.35 - v.1.0.36)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.
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