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  • Dynamic handler support for the estimator task was added (see the "/tasks/estimator" request). Previously, the resource supported static handlers only. Now you can specify the ID of a static or dynamic handler in the handler_id field. For a dynamic handler, you can specify the policies directly in the request. The same dynamic handler can be used in different estimator tasks, and it is not required to create a new handler for each task. If you specify the ID of the static handler and try to specify policies, an error will be returned.

  • A new "/configs" resource was added to all the LP services. It enables you to get the settings used by the corresponding service. If the service is launched with the option for automatic settings reloading and the settings are updated, then the resource will return the actual values and not the settings with which the service was initially launched. To get a list of settings, set the Accept header, which takes the values application/json (settings will be returned in JSON format for Configurator) or text/plain (settings will be returned in the format of the config.conf configuration file). Passwords and tokens specified in configuration files will be hidden in the received response.

  • A new "/handlers/validator" resource was added. The resource enables you to check the correctness of the specified handler policies. The resource can be useful for checking the correctness of dynamic handlers.

  • The Grafana docker container, which contains the scripts for creating LUNA PLATFORM dashboards, was added. See the LP docker installation manual for the description of container launching and dashboards creating.

  • The instruction for using GPU when running LUNA PLATFORM using Docker Compose was added to the documentation.

Fixed errors

  • The bug when an error code 500 was returned when generating events was fixed. The error was returned if the tag was set without specifying filters in the [conditional_tags_policy[ policy (see the "/handles/{handler_id}/events" request).

  • The description of the "page_size" parameter in the "get events" request was corrected in the OpenAPI documentation. Now it is specified that the number of objects cannot exceed 1000. Previously, the maximum value of 100 was specified.

API (v.5.9.0)#


Fixed bugs#

  • OpenAPI documentation was fixed, see page_size query parameter at get events .

Faces (v.4.4.0)#


Image Store (v.3.4.0)#


Tasks (v.3.5.0)#


Events (v.2.5.0)#


Configurator (v.1.4.1)#


  • Service dependencies were updated.

Sender (v.2.3.0)#


Admin (v.4.4.0)#


Licenses (v.0.3.0)#


Handlers (v.1.8.0)#


Fixed bugs#

See generate events resource.

Python Matcher and Python Matcher Proxy (v.0.7.0)#


Backport3 (v.0.3.0)#


Backport4 (v.1.2.0)#


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